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Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Disciplining children
on: March 14, 2010, 10:34:02 PM
English is not my native language, so if you don't mind, could you explain a bit more what you mean with a switch or a plumbing line? It just sounded horrifying to me and I may have misinterpreted it.
Local Support Groups / Español / Re: Adaptación al currículum español
on: March 14, 2010, 10:26:14 PM
Hola Saunier! Me alegra que te hayas lanzado a partiipar en el foro. Del curriculo, yo se que es dificil traducirlo al pie de la letra, entonces yo decidi empezar a traducir categorias y mostrarle a mi nina la categoria. No es exactamente como el curriculo pero igual la estoy exponiendo a las palabras. El problema es que yo la cuido a ella tiempo completo y aparte tengo un trabajo de tiempo completo, entonces no me ha quedado mucho tiempo ultimamente para seguir traduciendo. Con mucho gusto te puedo enviar a tu correo personal las categorias que he traducido pues no las podemos compartir directamente en el foro. En cuanto a los articulos yo tuve la misma pregunta cuando inicie con mi bebe hace mas de un ano y estuve averiguando y si recomiendan incluir los articulos. Este es el link de esa conversacion Lo otro que a mi me ayudo a confirmar esta teoria es que el video de lenguas de Tweedle Wink incluye el articulo para espanol, frances y aleman. Ellos han echo muchos estudios entonces son un buen recurso. Me cuentas que decides del curriculo a ver que pudieramos hacer. Que tenags un buen fin de semana.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Conscious autosuggestion for children
on: March 14, 2010, 05:41:22 AM
Since I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband used to read to her and them tell her she was happy, helathy and smart! So far I can say she is all of them Also, we always have a phrase on the refrigerator with a good adjective. For example this week we have up "Valerie is assured". We try to change it every week (sometimes every two ). I'm not at my computer right now, but I'll post a list of words next week for whoever is interested. We tried to talk to her while she was sleeping, but we would just wake her up, so we gave in on that
Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Brainy Baby dvd feedbacks please
on: March 14, 2010, 05:19:58 AM
OMG that is crazy expensive. In amazon the set costs US$24. Do you have a friend in the States that can buy it from and just mail it to you? Here is the link the DVD's, I think they are good. I have this set and I think is a great combination of right and left brain techniques. I need to show them to her more often. The issue is that we have so many DVD's and so little time ( since we try not to let her watch more than an hour of TV a day), that it is hard to watch it very often. I think kids change with time. When my daughter was little she loved YBCR videos, then no so much. Aroung 9 months she loved her BST videos, now, no so much, but she is again a bit into YBCR. No her favorites are the tweo leap frog videos about Letters and Word factory. She can watch those over and over if we let her. Hope this helps a bit.
Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: Poll - Food cravings
on: March 12, 2010, 05:05:44 PM
I craved peaches and berries. Yummmi! I think I had a least a peach a day during my pregnancy. I was kind of cute because all the people we knew in town knew about it, so people will bring peaches to me. I was lucky too because that year the peach season lasted longer too. After my baby was born, I have not had that many peaches
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: How can you tell your baby knows?
on: March 11, 2010, 07:13:56 PM
Well, with Valerie is kind of funny because as soon as you ask her she looks at the right one and then is like she second guess herself. Sometimes, she ends up giving the right one sometimes she doesn't. Since I don't want her to stress about it, I rarely "test" her (I try to do it as a game). Also, is like whenthe first time I do it, she can get them 100% right, but as soon daddy comes and I want her to show him, sehe is not interested. Same thing with him, she does it for him and when I come into the picture that is the end of it. With letters and its phonics, she is great! We can be anywhere and she starts making the phonic for whatever letter and we look and there it is! She lvoes letters and its sounds. She loves animals and can do the sounds they make. She never says their names though. However, the other day she was looking at a book and making the sounds and all the suden she saw a goose, and she said "duck" Just yesterday, she kept saying "big", "big", I looked and there was a book that has the word "BIG" on the cover. Later at night I asked hr in fron of daddy and she read the word. That was very nice. Ocne the camara was out, that was the end of it Today I decided to stop with LM for a while. She is not into it and she says "no, no". We had already done Doman with flash cards, so I may pull those out again. I guess I just trust she knows and when less I expect it she shows off. I think I'll stick to the "no testing" because I think she gests stress about it and if she doesn't get it right, I second guess myslef if this is worth it (I know it is, don't take me wrong), but I get a bit discourage.
Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: 7 months and need advice
on: February 27, 2010, 09:05:23 PM
Autumm, I just found a 15% coupon from Babiesrus. It expires March 4th, but I could put it in the mail first thing Monday morning if you want it to buy your pump. Just PM with your address in case you want it. I'm sorry I didn't find it earlier
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Looking for best DVD to teach Spanish
on: February 25, 2010, 08:53:33 PM
I'm a Spanish native speaker so I have not bought a lot of DVD's in Spanish. However, we bought the "My First Words" set from Little Thinkers and my dd loved it. It comes with a DVD with Spanish and English, you can play them separetly or together and they come with three little books. I'm just not sure which level you are looking for, but for begginers I would definetely recommened it.