Hi people, can you tell me please where I can read how to use discount coupons?And do they have any expire date.Can I Buy them now and use them after few months or even 1 year. Cheers,Tania
Hi there, I have LR version 1.5. 238.Can you tell me how to make upgrade?Is it necessary to save my current LR files in other folder before i make upgrade?
Hi everyone, could you please tell me how to use LR to teach a child in two different languages ?Is it possible to do this simultaneously.Because if u translate the courses in different language than english the program is begining to use this new language.Than when you play 1 lessons it will use both changed words and english words. Or maybe it is better to have a 6 month course with one language and then to continue with other.Please share your experience.
Hello to everyone, I am a new member in this forum.My child is 8 month old.Unfotunately I live in country where these metods of stimulation are notvery popular.So I learn about them here.Is it too late to start showing stimulation card? If it is not, please tell me with what type of cards to start and give me some instruction how to proceed.
Thank you for the advises, they are really useful.And I can say that u are very creative mother.My child is 8 month old. I am still learning myself to work with LR, because I have it from 1 week.I would be pleased if you tell me when I have to use these nursery rhymes and games.I would be glad to see your links. Joni2009
Търся майки,които са пробвали LR за да споделят опита си с програмата и как децата им възприемат нещата.Разгледах нещата на български но са доста малко.
Здравейте, аз скоро намерих този сайт като търсех информация за езика на знаците.Искам да пробвам програмата LR но не знам от къде да я изтегля.А и тестовия пероид май е свършил.Моля за помощ. Моето бебе е на 8м. и аз реших да пробваме да общуваме с езика на знаците.Макар че и без тях се разбираме за сега.