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Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Going Green: Choosing Organic Baby Clothes
on: February 25, 2010, 08:04:11 PM
Wow! Talk about expensive. Things on sale on that site go for about US$60. I personaly agree with nhockaday, if you baby doesn't have any special skin condition there is not need. My daughter has sensitive skin, so we use shampoo and lotion with no fragence and we use baby soap to watch her clothes and she has always been fine. These are the things her doctor recommended. If you have the extra cash and want to be green, or do it for conviction, go for it, but I think to certain point it is a waist of money taking in consideration they grow out their cloths so quickly. Again, this is just my personal opinion.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Different ways of teaching baby languages
on: February 24, 2010, 05:17:48 AM
that's mean a small baby we can teach them 5 different languages , but how to do with the time table of teaching these different languages. could it be each days different language, say monday - mandarin; tuesday- english; wednesday- Deutch; thursday-Korean languages and so on .... please advise. I am actually preparing the flash card to my july's baby. Well, I think it really depends on your time to teach and if you are fluent or not in those languages. In my case, we speak and teach her stuff in English and Spanish through the day, everyday. Then on the other days we teach the other languages. As I mentioned before we did one language two days and then the other language the other two. I would love to have my dd learn French, but I just haven't found the time to expose her to it. Again, do as much as you can without killing yourself. Keep on kind that if you stress about it your baby will feel it. This whole experiences is about joy, for you and your baby! My advice will be to pick the three main languages you would like your baby to learn and once you are teaching those see if you can add one more. Hope this helps
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Recent Discoveries on Babies' Language Learning Abilities
on: February 21, 2010, 06:22:55 AM
As many of you already know, we are raising our dd "multiplingual", if we can call it that way. She is 15 months old and I can say she is totally bilingual. She understands diffrent words in both language (English and Spanish) and compare to her "friends" of her same age she seemes to be ahead with her spoken words. So she is proof that teaching foreign languages, did not delay the learning of her native language.
About exposing kids to other languages, I found this article that I thought was interesting:
You may think it fruitless to expose infants to a foreign language before they can even talk. Guess again. The ability to distinguish and process sounds or phonemes of foreign languages is highest in the first year of life, before babies even utter their first word. Many experts now believe that babies exposed to more than one language during their first year of life will not only have an easier time learning foreign languages later in life, but actually improve their listening, problem-solving, and reasoning skills in general.
For us, even though she may not be fluent at the two languages we are exposing her and we don't speak (German and Mandarin) right now, if her early exposure helps her to learn the language easier later in life, it was worth the try for us.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Different ways of teaching baby languages
on: February 21, 2010, 06:03:24 AM
Hi lzp11! At your baby's age what is more important is exposure. The more she listens to people speaking in Spanish, the more she will understand what is going on and you can reinforce with the LR files that you can dowload here and your own vocabulary. She would love to see you know the words too, Even if you don't know the language the advantage is that they get familiar with the language and later on it will be much easier to pick up the language and probably they will not have an accent because they were exposed from an early age. Some studies state that a baby can learn up to 5 languages without getting confused. Off course it would be much better if you could speak fluently to your baby in the language that you want to teach, but if not possible, it will not hurt to expose her to it. I do speak Spanish and my husband English, but we are exposing our baby to Mandarin and German too, languages that we don't speak. We just do German Mondays and Wednesdays and Mandarin on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There was a very good discussion in the forum with different points of view and it may guide you a bit too'-language-learning-abilities/15/Hope this helps a little bit
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: just got our materials for our crawling track
on: February 21, 2010, 05:26:15 AM
I was wondering, what did people use to raise the track to make in incline so the baby can go down it more easily? I'm thinking scrap pieces of wood piled up that we have leftover from projects but there must be a better way.
Well, we actually just had a suitecase upside down, that happened to be in our daughters room when we brought the track home I think anything that is stable works. You are there with the baby all the time and they aren't very heavy. Just wondering: when did your babies stop crawling? My daughter hasn't crawled since she was 11mo and it's mission impossible to get her to crawl 'for fun' (she's 18m now)...
My daughter stopped crawling right after she turned one. I think that if for her is not fun right now, you may want to wait a bit and then try again to play who crawls faster with your daughter. I think their interests change, so she may not be into it right now, but maybe in a couple fo weeks she may think is fun to race with mommy. Just an idea...
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: just got our materials for our crawling track
on: February 18, 2010, 05:42:16 PM
Unfortunately we waited until our daughter was almost six months to build the crawling track, so we built it with pine instead of playwood so it will be more sturdy. We just got it at a home store. It was about US$40. We used the instructions from the back of Doman's book, but made a moditfiaction to easy store the track. The track fols in half. We didn't attach the "run" but built a padded mat that went through the middle that way the area she was on was totally flat. At the end of each side of the mat there a couple of flats with velcro that attached to the bottom of the track. The only thing is that the velcro came off, so we need to figure out something different for the next baby so it attaches complety. We didn't use for sleeping purposes, but just for crawling "training". We plan tu use it in with the next baby for sleeping. I'm attaching a couple of pictures that may give you an idea how it looks. It is put away, so the pictures are "old" and may not be the best, but just an idea . We are glad we did it to be folded. It was so much easier to store it.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Re: Themes To Remember Vol. 1, Classical Magic
on: February 18, 2010, 12:43:05 AM
We have Themes to Remember Vol 1. We play them here and there, but I have not figured out how to use it with my 15 month old daughter. She will not sit still to listen to me read from a book with very small font. Could you guys tell me how you have been using it? I downloaded kizudo posted here (thanks for that, karma to you!) and now what?
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Same DVD different language
on: February 17, 2010, 07:38:28 PM
As some of you already know, we are teaching our daughter different languages. We have had issues getting good materials is German. My daughter has been watching Muzzy for a few months now and even though she still watches it I would like to start showing her something different. Little Pim released their series in German, but my daughter has been watching Little Pim Mandarin for few months too. Since as most of us try to maximize our $$ due to the cost of all the educational materials, I don;t want to buy it and then she doesn;t enjoy it. I would like to get input from people that may have show the same DVD in different language. I'm affraid that she may get bored with the German Little Pim since there are the exact same Mandarin ones, but in different language. Anyone?
Local Support Groups / General Discussions / Re: A board for Colombia
on: February 11, 2010, 08:42:18 PM
Hola Renard! Pues lo que puedes hacer es bajar las presentaciones y cambiar la pronunciacion de las palabras que tu pronuncias diferente con eso no tienes que volver a hacer todo. Claro que si tienes el tiempo tambien als podrias hacer tu. Yo creo que la mayor limitante para casi todos es el tiempo pues hacer estas presentaciones lo requiere. Yo la verdad utilizo muchisimo el LR y me parece una herramienta excelente, yo la verdad ahora tengo poco tiempo para preparar materiales y el hecho de que el curriculo ya venga listo es una super ventaja. En cuanto a los idiomas, un nino puede asimilar hasta 5 idiomas al tiempo, entonces si decides hacer espanol e ingles al tiempo excelente. En mi experiencia, mi nina ha estado expuesta a los dos idiomas desde chiquita y yo le he mostrado materiales en los dos idiomas mas mandarin y aleman. Ella tiene 14 meses y te podria decir que es completamente bilingue ya que le podemos dar la misma instruccion en los dos idiomas y ella te entiende. Lo unico es que al principio ellos van a usar la palabra que mas se les facilite pronunciar, pero ellos estan asimilando cuales palabras son de cual idioma. Algunos estudios han desmotrado que los ninos que son bilingues desarrollan ciertas habilidades a nivel analitico, entonces ningun problema, son puras ventajas. Pueden encontrar ams informacion acerca del multilengualismo en esta pagina Dejame saber si tienes alguna otra pregunta.
Local Support Groups / General Discussions / Re: A board for Colombia
on: February 11, 2010, 08:11:04 PM
Hola Renard!
Bienvenido al foro. Realmente hay muchisimos materiales y pues todo va a depender de cuales son tus prioridades para el aprendizaje de tu hijo. Primero cuentanos en que idioma quieres darle la educacion, ya que la mayoria de los materiales son en ingles, claro que algunos de los miembros hemos traducido o subido algunas cosas en espanol.
De todas maneras muchas de las personas en el foro hemos seguido ya sea al pie de la letra o con algunas modificaciones el metodo de Glenn Doman. Ellos si venden la flash cards en espanol o tambien tu las puedes hacer.
Cuentanos mas o menos que enfoque quisieras tener y que metodos has encontrado que te llamen la atencion y que dudas tienes.