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Products Marketplace / Product Partners / How do you use Tweddlewink?
on: April 01, 2011, 03:40:45 AM
I've just got the language DVD, but I don't really know how to start with my son. Pick a language and do it every day? and then the next language? How often? What about the other DVDs? Is that really enough to show them only 3 times and move on? I'm a little confused here. Please help me. Thanks.
Products Marketplace / Product Discussions and Reviews / Re: Your Child Can Read dvd review?
on: March 22, 2011, 03:40:30 AM
I've been doing YCCR with my 27 months old son. We are watching DVD #3. He loves it and I love it too. I liked YBCR too. worked for us. That's true that YCCR is probably longer and there are lots of new words -and some from YBCR too- but I don't mind. We love the songs, we have to dance with him. He is usually done with a dvd about 3 weeks -we watch it every evening. I know when to start a new one- he starts to loose his interest. To make sure, I usually turn the volume down and yes, he says the words. I wish they had a next level! I wasn't sure either before I bought it but again, I love it, worth the money.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Has anyone found success with Shichida math
on: March 16, 2011, 08:04:33 PM
Hi, I would like to hear about other people too. I have a 27 months old son and he was about 2 when we started the Doman Dots. We still do it 3 times a day. I will satrt to introduce him the < and > tomorrow. Any success? Hard to tell. When he has the choice to chose from two dot cards he usually chooses the right one (90%). He also recognizes the quantity 10. I know because he says"ten". Other than other proof. But I still think he will benefit from this process, so I just keep doing it.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Is it a proof or just accident?
on: February 11, 2011, 03:00:30 AM
Hi "teachingmytoddler" Mom, I would like to ask something. You said, your little one was about 18 months (or so) when you introduced the letters to her. I didn't think about it before. Do you think that that helped her reading and decoding new words? Maybe I should start it. (???) Thanks, Stodd
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Is it a proof or just accident?
on: February 10, 2011, 04:58:00 AM
Thank you so much for your detailed answer. Yes, it helps a lot. My son is 22 months and likes reading- thats the most important thing. But I think he needs more time or just shy, even with me (sometimes I know he knows, but he wants me to read it, and I don't force him). I'm running my finger along the words too and my son often do it and there are some words he can read/ sometimes just from memory. Here we are right now. I'm patient, because I know, we have nothing to lose. We have fun reading and I hope he will love books later too. Thank you again for your help. Stodd
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Is it a proof or just accident?
on: February 09, 2011, 04:36:26 AM
Thanks for sharing your story, it is hilarious. And congrats to your DD and you too! May I ask you when you started the reading with her? The last couple of days I show my son a few dot cards to choose from, but not with equation just as simple choice like : where is 67.... I do it only one time a day, the other two times I go with the schedule. It is really interesting, that since then he didn't make any mistake yet. I assume it means that he really can recognize these quantities. The equations are obviously more difficult for him, I can see that he's hesitating between the options. Not every time dough.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: how to start soroban?
on: February 06, 2011, 08:23:05 PM
Thanks Marta My son is pretty good with Doman- dots, actually really good I have to say. I just had an other proof: today he choose the right dot-card every time. But I'm also doing Abacus just like you said, 2 times a day for 5 days and then the next 10 numbers. We are at 30 right now. After 50 I'm thinking to start to add the add 2 PPTs. What do you think? Thanks for your comments. Stodd
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Is it a proof or just accident?
on: February 05, 2011, 08:35:35 PM
I want to share my experience: I started Doman math with my son when he was 2. We've been doing the dots for about 4 months now. We are at the stage when he has 3 different 3 step equations plus one problem solving: 3 step equation with the option for him to choose between two cards. He sometimes chooses the right answer, sometimes the wrong. But 2 days ago this is what happened: he had the options to choose 10 or 14. Before he came to touch the card, he SAID "ten", and then came to the right answer "ten" dot card!!!!!! I was speechless. Does anyone has any story like this? I would love to know what happened that day. Was it just an "accident"? Since then a one time as if he was trying to say "four" and also "thirty-something" but he didn't or just half of the word, so I don't know.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Is it too late to start Chinese with a 26 months old?
on: February 04, 2011, 02:56:56 AM
Thank you Tracy, for your advices.... It's been a little more then a month since we have Little Pim (Spanish) every morning as a part of our morning routine. We also started little "spanish breakfast time" using the words we'd learned already. It happened just 2 days ago, when he said his first spanish sentence even with a funny way: "I bebe coffee. (I drink coffee,). He saw, we liked it and were happy so he tried every different way the same sentence: dino was drinking and even Santa and not only "Coffee but "agua" and "leche" too. I always tell him, this is how Pim says, This is for dadda (english) and this is for mama (hungarian). This way I hope it will be clear for him, which lang. belongs to who. I still don't know/ undecided when to start chinese. Right now I think I will wait a few months and then start Little Pim in Chinese. So, this is where we are. It's really exciting and amazing at the same time how great he is. I'm still curious about others experiences. Thanks,