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EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Abacus Training
on: August 31, 2012, 10:29:09 PM
Thanks for your response. I did read that discussion. But, I was not sure how to train my son on the Peg System. Do you have any info about that? Or I hope Chris reads this thread and can explain.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Abacus Training
on: August 31, 2012, 08:27:19 PM
Hello, I learnt Abacus 3 years back and have been teaching my son. I started teaching my son about 2 years back when he was 9. He can currently do 5 digits(addition/subtraction), 3*2 multiplication and 4by2 division using abacus. On Mental Math he can do 2 and 3 digit 10 rows (with 70% accuracy), 4*1 multiplication and 4by1 division. He practices 20 minutes atleast 5 days a week.
My questions: 1. What do you think about my son's progress? 2. I saw a video where the girl does 10 digits 10 rows in about a minute. I feel that she is doing 2 or 3 columns at a time and remembers the numbers. Can you tell me how she is able to remember the final answer and at the same time keep calculating. I read in a forum that she is using PEG system. Can you explain what peg system is and how I can train my son? 3. Many schools say that they train the students to visualize. Is there any special training as such? I asked my son and imagine the abacus and calculate and he was able to do it.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply.