Hello everyone, I am in NSW at the moment and I am a bit puzzled about which type of school to send my daughter to. My DD is 3.5 yo and she started reading (Thanks to the LR program) at 2 yo. After a year and a half, she reads very clearly and quickly (Like an adult would read) books like Cinderella, Dumbo and books of the sort. She also followed the shichida program and her counting is strong, at the moment she counts until 100 and in 10s and in 2s. At this point, she shows a lot of strong academics, and some teachers seem to think she is gifted, however I am pretty sure is about the early learning we have been doing.
So my question is, which type of school will you choose for your little ones? Public school seems to be the obvious choice for my husband due to the low cost. What is actually stopping me from this is that I don't see that they have gifted programs or teachers that work with gifted kids, unlike the expensive private schools.
Shichida teachers would tell me this is pretty normal for kids and not necessarily mean that my kid can be gifted. The entry point for private schools are at age 4 and we would need to make a decision within the following weeks if we decided to go down this path.
Any users that have tried private schools (For ex: meriden or MLC) and seems to think there is a big difference with the public schools?
Hi mrseddy, I was wondering how did you implement the aloha abacus program? Did you go to classes or which resources did you use? Do you think you can share some links? And in regards to the right start program, did you buy the materials and the program A (I found this link, is this correct? http://store.rightstartmath.com/rightstart-mathematics-level-a-second-edition-book-bundle/ )?
Thanks in advance for your help. My first DD is 3.5 yo and my youngest one is 1.5.
Hi everyone, I'm very happy I have signed up here. Since I joined all I have been doing is reading all the fascinating information presented and I have to say, I feel like I'm doing better for my daughter already. She is still little (5months) but she really enjoys using "my little Reader", she finds it amusing and it takes the stress out of me because I don't have to spend hours on the Internet researching 1 little thing. Thank you very much for this great software development and the creation of this web where parents can share their own researches.