Make your own flash cards and study aids. Print, Cut, Fold, and Study.
Found this website that lets you print text only (no pictures yet - part of site owner's future plans) flashcards with adjustable settings. You input your own text, choose settings, download the pdf and print! This is great for parents who want to make flashcards for babies. It even lets you import your words for easy printing of lots of words. Requires Adobe Reader. I have attached a sample I made.
well, I'm using such one free tool from the blog that I've found by google search:
Make your own flash cards and study aids. Print, Cut, Fold, and Study.
Found this website that lets you print text only (no pictures yet - part of site owner's future plans) flashcards with adjustable settings. You input your own text, choose settings, download the pdf and print! This is great for parents who want to make flashcards for babies. It even lets you import your words for easy printing of lots of words. Requires Adobe Reader. I have attached a sample I made.
well, I'm using such one free tool from the blog that I've found by google search:
Hi, dear, if you want to create your own favorite flash ecards easily, then you could find some great solution by google search, good luck!