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EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Should 15 months old be talking???
on: October 21, 2009, 10:38:33 PM
Hi, I'm surprised to see that the kids are watching these dvd's almost every waking hour, even though you said that they sometimes stop paying attention to them. I'm no expert, but you should do some research into exposing babies to too much tv. Just google it. Research apparently shows that many kids zone out during videos, even your own recorded voice on a dvd keeps them in the zone, and only speaking to them in real life makes them really listen to you. Im not saying eliminate tv completely, my 14 month old likes to watch it too, but no more than a couple hours a day, sometimes none. Anyways, I'm not saying that the dvds are the reason, every child develops at his own pace, but perhaps you could try to reduce the dvds. This will make the kids focus on social interactions with each other, and with you and that is the best way to learn language. Try to talk to them all the time. And when the background noise is eliminated, perhaps they will want to fill it with their own sounds....
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Re: salsa or classical music?
on: May 03, 2009, 12:14:30 AM
Just creating ruckus...but when I read such forums, it makes me wonder, about those parents who religiously expose their infants to certain types of music and incorporate it into their daily schedules. For example, classical music. Yes, it may be soothing or it may just be background noise to them. Did you guys grow up listening to this music? Did you as adults incorporate it into your daily lives before you had kids? If yes, then I can understand that you'd want to expose your children to it, but if not, then what the heck??? I didn't listen to classical growing up, and I'm fine....or maybe not knowing Beethoven is seriously hindering me emotionally and intellectually...