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EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Re: starting violin or cello?
on: October 23, 2015, 12:58:10 AM
My sister toom suzuki violin at age 3 and still plays today.. if you pime, feel fre e to check out "note read with shapes & colors on violin". If you google " Adria Sorensen violin" you should see results....helps your kid learn colors and shapes also. Not to mention, violin scales can be learned by different patterns sequences of colors.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Re: I am designing a finger guide for the violin, any suggestions?
on: September 28, 2015, 10:01:21 AM
Tape isn`t used to adjust violin pitch. However, once each open string note is adjusted to the correct pitch for notes G, D, A, and E for the violin, the tapes on the fingerboards should naturally be in tune as a result of the open strings being at the correct pitch.... the violin pegs are used to adjust the pitch of each open string note on the violin. Typically tuned using the piano. Turning the peg toward you lowers the pitch and turning the peg away makes the pitch higher
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Learn how to note read with shapes and colors on the violin or piano
on: September 25, 2015, 08:16:48 AM
I created a new wsy to teach piano using shapes and colors first and tried it on two adults and a 7 year old who never had a music lesson. They could play a simple song within the hour. Twinkle little star was the song they played using my piano system..I just created another system for the violin that is similar to the piano music system using shapes and colors to note read music. For the violin, I used Suzuki volume 1 songs. Feel free to YouTube Adria Sorensen for " note read with shapes and colors on the violin" or "note read with shapes and colors on piano" for songlike " go tell aunt rhody" , "here comes the bride", yellow submarine, and more