I recommend this site...http://www.cottonbabies.com/
My son is 16 months and has been using cloth diapers since he was 3 months. With a lot of research in diapers I went with the premium size Indian prefolds (softest) and haven't had to buy new ones. He is in the 60th percentile...its all about how you fold them;)...Anyway I don't recommend getting the bum genius diapers because of the price and you have to do more washing loads with them, the plastic probably breaks up over time...it just seems too complicated in my opinion.
I got:
40 Indian prefolds
3(6 covers) packs of plastic covers (Bummis whisper pant)
2 snappies
You need a large bin that shuts tight.
Laundry detergent that doesn't have brighteners, softeners...etc
I use the ECOS brand of magnolia and lilly scent..cheapest at Costco you get 210 loads with HE washing machines.
Don't bleach them..use hot water and then cold rinse. If you have a sanitizer option definitely use it
I only have to wash the diapers once a week! Its so easy to use them once you get used to them. I do recommend disposable diapers for diarrhea times...ITS A MESS that gets all over if your not carefull, (if you are a very eco conscious person then tough it out and use them if the baby has diarrhea, I did..kinda haha). The Indian prefold are very good quality diapers. I really hope you take my advice If you have any other questions email me [email protected] hesitate
PS: I know the smell can be very over whelming but you only have to deal with it once a week! I put the dirty diapers in the bin with out water...I don't think its necessary to use water for pre soaking...it cleans just fine in the washer.