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Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Newbie
on: January 19, 2018, 05:48:28 PM
I'm a new Mom, too--new to this forum, that is. Is anyone here homeschooling their kids or supplementing school material with their own educational program? I have three children--the oldest started kindergarten in September. They haven't done much phonics and reading work at school, so I started my daughter and her younger brother on Reading Bear. Four months later, they're sounding out words wherever they find them and reading Level 1 storybooks with a fair bit of ease.
I'd like to go on to Math and Science as well, so if anyone knows of any helpful resources--web sites or books, I'd love to know. Thanks.
Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / New Member
on: January 18, 2018, 09:31:00 PM
I'm a California-based Mom with three kids (a 6-year-old, a 4-yr-old, and a 2-yr-old). I heard about BrillKids through ReadingBear, which we've been using since September 2017--such a fantastic resource. My older kids are already reading thanks to that program. Anyway, although my daughter is in kindergarten, I am veering toward homeschooling our kids or doing a hybrid program--kids go to school, but still work on educational material at home. I have a few questions on the process:
1) How do you tackle advanced math(trigonometry) and science (chemistry, physics, biology)? 1a) What about resources for history and geography? 2) Are there resources for creating a structured program/curriculum? 3) Can home-schooled kids return to school for Middle and High School? Is this a good idea or should you keep going until it's time to take the SAT and go to college? 4) Is it possible to homeschool and have the kids go to school? I'm a writer and I'd need some time to meet my deadlines, and with three young kids, it can be tough to get anything done.
Any information/advice you have would be greatly appreciated.