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1  The BrillKids Forum / Forum Feedback + Questions / How to Delete or Close Outlook Account Permanently? on: September 02, 2019, 10:56:54 AM
Microsoft’s latest web mail service, Outlook comes with all the goods such as huge amount of storage space, better editing features, and immersive interface and of course support for social networking sites.

All these features and many more make the webmail service first choice of the users. But for some reason, if you wish to close or delete Outlook account permanently, this is how you can do it.

It is essential to change all the email addresses to the alternate ones before deleting your Outlook account, if you have been using the same Outlook address for any some other services.

Delete or Close Outlook account:-

1. Sign into your Outlook account and click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner.

2. From the options available, choose ‘More mail settings’. You will be presented with the following options:

•   Managing your account
•   Preventing junk email
•   Customizing Outlook

3. From the above, select ‘Managing your account’. Immediately you will be directed to a new page displaying your ‘Account Summary’ and ‘Password and Security info’.

4. Just scroll-down the page. There you will find the ‘Close account ‘option. Click on the option.

5. Now, before you close your account permanently, Outlook will request you to check ‘privacy and cookies’ statement. In addition to this, it will provide you information on – what happens to your info if you choose to close your account.

6. Then finally it will ask you to verify your account to close it down.

7. In the end, you will be asked to deactivate your Hotmail account. Once you do it your account will be closed.

Source: - How to Close/Delete my outlook account permanently?
2  The BrillKids Forum / Forum Feedback + Questions / How to Reset a Lost Hotmail Account Password? on: August 06, 2019, 01:04:41 PM
It's easy to reset your Hotmail password if you've forgotten it. Maybe it's been too long since you last used your email and so you're having trouble remembering the password. Regardless of the reason for resetting your Hotmail password, you can use Outlook to do it.

How to Reset a Forgotten Live Mail Hotmail Account Password?

When you're on the Outlook login screen, all you have to do is follow the on-screen steps to choose a new password and get back into your mail. You have to use Outlook instead of since the former is how you access Hotmail email—both @outlook accounts and @Hotmail accounts are accessed through Outlook.

Resetting a Hotmail password is just as easy as reset password Hotmail account: just follow the instructions to verify your identity and get a new email password.

1.   Open Outlook in your web browser to find the sign-in page.

2.   Enter your Hotmail email address and then click next.

3.   On the password screen, click the Forgot my password link.

4.   From the Why can't you sign in? Page, choose I forgot my password and then click next.

5.   To recover your Hotmail password, verify your email address on the next screen and then type the characters you see in the image, followed by Next.

6.   Regardless of what's on the Verify your identity page—since the options there depend on how you've set up security in your Hotmail account—choose Use a different verification option.

7.   Choose an appropriate option from that list:

•   The email option sends a password reset link to the email address on file. You have to enter the full address in order to use this method.
•   The text option sends a text message to help you log in. Type the last four digits of your phone number to use it.
•   Another option, if you've enabled it in the past, is to use the authenticator app to reset your password.
•   Finally, if you don't have access to any of those reset methods, you can choose I don't have any of these.
•   Choose Send code if you picked the email or text option, or click Next if you're using the app to reset your Hotmail password or if you don't have access to any of those methods.

8.   Enter a new password into both fields provided on the website, and click Next to finish resetting your Hotmail password.
If you don't use your Hotmail account recovery very much anymore, and that's the reason you've forgotten the password, consider forwarding emails sent to that address to some other account that you do use and check often (like a Gmail or Yahoo account, or even another Outlook account).

Article Source: - Reset Hotmail password
3  The BrillKids Forum / Forum Feedback + Questions / Hotmail Not Receiving - Sending Emails - How to Fix It on: August 06, 2019, 12:29:09 PM
Hotmail recently updated their algorithms and majority of Hotmail users will find their emails are being sent to the Spam folder or are not being received at all.

Please follow the below steps to ensure you receive all emails in your regular inbox. Please note that you can only complete the below on a computer and not a mobile device.

Fix Hotmail/Outlook Not Receiving Emails | Can’t Receive Emails on Outlook/Hotmail

When you can send emails but can’t receive emails in Hotmail / outlook account. This error can be a little frustrating for you.
Actually, this error comes because of a few common reasons.

In this article, we will discuss the root cause of why is Hotmail/Outlook not receiving emails and how can we fix them.

If you are also dealing with the outlook not receiving emails problem, I will recommend you to read this article and follow the instructions to fix the problem.

Before sharing the steps let me inform you, the instructions given here, is for Hotmail not receiving emails only. If you are having send & receive problem with your Hotmail account, you need to visit:

How to Fix Outlook not receiving Emails Problem?

Check Hotmail server status-

Before you will go for any further options, first you need to go ahead and check the server status. Maybe you are having “Hotmail not receiving emails problem” due to outlook server down in your area. So you should not forget to check the server status.

If you find outlook server down, I will recommend you wait for a while. Once the server will be up and working fine, you will automatically get rid of can’t receive the email in Hotmail problem.

But if outlook /Hotmail server is working fine but still you are going through outlook not receiving emails problem. You need to jump to the next step.

Check Email Filter or block list:

•   Before you will go for further steps, first you need to check the trash or delete the folder, this might possible you are receiving the emails from senders but they are directly going to delete or trash folder instead of inbox or assigned folder.

•   Check blocked mail option in your Hotmail / outlook account, maybe you have blocked the email accounts, that’s why the emails are automatically going to trash folder. For more information about how to block emails, you may visit: how to unblock emails in outlook.

Check Email Forwarding settings:

Did you check the trash folder on your Hotmail account? If you are not receiving emails into the trash. Then it seems like, your emails are being forwarded to someone else or there is something wrong with pop or IMAP settings.

That’s why you are going through Hotmail not receiving emails problem.

So you need to stop forwarding and turn the pop/IMAP settings off. And then try to check your emails. I hope, now you will able to send and receive the mails,

So these are the steps to fix Hotmail not receiving emails or outlook not receiving emails.

If you have any other problem. Please leave a comment below.

We will try to solve your query.

Thank you for reading can't receive emails in Hotmail problem post.

Source: - Hotmail/outlook not receiving all emails
4  The BrillKids Forum / Forum Feedback + Questions / How to Fix Blue Screen Windows 10 Error? on: July 24, 2019, 10:11:12 AM
Windows 10 undoubtedly is one of the more reliable and faster OS as compared to any other previous Windows OS. But it does not mean that you would not get any issue because of the combination of Windows 10 and the latest computer features occurs several issues and blue screen error is one among those which is highly faced by the users whenever they try to update their OS or doing any important work. There could be multiple reasons behind the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) issue and it’s very important to fix this issue which is possible to fix within simple troubleshooting.
Here are the Steps to fix BSOD in Windows 10 Problem:
Check your storage capacity
One of the most crucial reasons behind this error is low storage space. If your computer has not enough storage which is used by the Windows OS, then you may get stuck into Blue Screen of Death error in your Windows 10 computer. So before taking any step, check whether your computer has enough storage space and if didn’t, then remove the unwanted files from your computer.
Scan your computer
Sometimes unwanted virus or malware also caused a blue screen of death error in Windows 10 computer. So you can simply scan your computer for any kind of virus or other threats and if anything finds, then delete it from your computer.
Update your computer’s driver
Using corrupt and fault driver may also occur lots of problems including the BSOD and in such conditions, you can upgrade the driver with the latest one through the below steps:
•   First of all, fully scan your computer and go to the official driver website.
•   Download the driver and then install them.
•   Now click on Update option during the installation.
•   After that, restart your computer.
With these above-stated steps, you can fix blue screen Windows 10 problem in a very simple way and if you have any other kind of query, then contact the customer support team for getting an effective assistance to fix windows 10 activation error 0xc004f050 issues.
Source: - Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Error in Windows 10
5  The BrillKids Forum / Forum Feedback + Questions / How to Fix “Outlook Cannot Connect to Server”? on: July 24, 2019, 09:24:37 AM
Are you getting any difficulty in sending and receiving emails with Outlook? Then it means you are confronting the Error ox800ccc0e which is almost confronted by the every user. A lot of factors affect this issue and you have to know about the each one because every particular reason may cause Outlook cannot connect to server issue which would stop to connect your SMTP account with multiple email service providers.

Here are the Steps to Fix Outlook Error 0x800ccc0e Error:

Solution 1# Check your internet connectivity

This error may also cause if you are not connected to an active internet connectivity which is very important to run multiple applications including the Outlook on your computer. You can also switch to another Wi-Fi network to see whether the problem is with Outlook or your internet connection.

Solution 2# Check the settings for email account in Outlook

Sometimes incorrect incoming and outgoing account settings also cause Outlook cannot connect to server issue. So you have to check that all the account settings are correct that you have entered in Outlook for a particular email account. When checking the settings, you have also made sure that username and password is also entered in correct manner.

Solution 3# Check SMTP server settings

The error 0x800ccc0e may also cause due to SMTP server settings and you can check or modify these settings with the help of below steps:

•   Open the Outlook and then go to file section.
•   Click on Account Settings.
•   Click on your email account under the Email tab.
•   Now click on More Settings option.
•   Now click on Outgoing Server tab and then check the box my outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.
•   Check the Port number and then click on the OK tab.

In case Outlook not connecting to server even after applying the above-mentioned steps, then contact the customer support team where you can obtain the reliable solutions to fix this problem in a very simple manner.

Source: - Outlook cannot connect to server
6  The BrillKids Forum / Forum Feedback + Questions / How to Fix Outlook Search Function not working? on: July 19, 2019, 11:02:50 AM
Sometimes whenever you make any search in Microsoft Outlook 2016, a pop-up appears in front of your screen says “No message found”. This problem occurs due to multiple reasons and you have to find those issues and then fix them immediately in order to get back to use the search feature on Microsoft Outlook 2016. One of the most common reasons behind the Outlook 2016 search not working is improper indexing if your search item is not in indexing list, then you can’t use the search function. This solution is the last article because if nothing works out then this solution will surely search not working on mac for outlook all issues with your device and will solve Microsoft outlook Search Not Working properly in mac problem.

Here are the simple steps to fix Outlook 2016 search not working issue:

Method 1: Check the indexing status

An improper indexing may also cause several issues and search not working issue on Outlook is one among those. You can check the indexing status through the below steps:

•   First of all, open the Outlook and then click on the Search box.
•   Click on Search tools and then choose Indexing status.
•   Now Indexing Status dialog box will open where you can see how much items are remaining for indexing.
•   If you see the zero times are remaining, and then it means indexing is completed or if not, then wait to be completed.

Method 2: Rebuild the index

If search the bar has stopped working suddenly, then you can follow the below steps to fix Outlook 365 search not working issue in a very easy way just by rebuilding the index:

•   Click on File tab in your Outlook 365 which is available on the top-corner side.
•   Click on the Options and then choose Search.
•   Now click on Indexing Options.
•   Now you can see that which locations are indexed and then click on advanced option.
•   After that, look for troubleshooting section and then click on Rebuild.
•   Now rebuild the index to complete the process and then search option will work successfully.

Method 3: Remove the special characters

If you are using Outlook 2016  on Mac, then there could be lots of special characters and you can fix Outlook search not working Mac simply just by removing them through the below steps:

•   Go to the Profile Name on Outlook.
•   Click on Go and then click on Applications option.
•   Click on Outlook and then choose Show Package Contents.
•   After that, remove the special characters by applying the on-screen instructions.

With these above given methods, Outlook search not working issue can be fixed in a simple manner and if you are still getting any error, then contact the customer the support team for a result oriented assistance. As per you post, Windows 10 Search function not working on your system and we are glad to assist you. If you're having problems outlook search not working properly on mac, try using the outlook Search and troubleshooter to solve the issue.

Note :- That’s it you have successfully solve Microsoft outlook Search Not Working in mac/Windows 10 but if you still have any questions regarding this instruction then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.

Source Link: - Search Not Working
7  The BrillKids Forum / Forum Feedback + Questions / How to Contact Hotmail Tech Support Phone Number is Accessible 24/7? on: July 05, 2019, 12:29:03 PM
Microsoft is a leader among the most well-known free online email providers in the world. Hotmail is one of the most dynamic services on the web, providing ease and efficiency to the customers by Microsoft. It is a web service that can be tackled with any mailing application. Any issue with your Hotmail Sign in can be resolved at Hotmail Technical Support Phone Number.

To know more about Microsoft mail and its subsidiary Hotmail, just rely on our technical experts. They are very familiar with every inch of your Hotmail Sign in. Specialists at Hotmail Tech Support Phone Number provide you hassle-free, as well as specific support for all type of mailing issues. The help provided by our experts is not bounded to a specific area. We believe in providing help to our customers in every possible way that will result in the ease of their work for sure. Our support is available 24/7 for your service on Hotmail Tech Support Phone Number. In case of any issue that you face while you are using your account, without giving it another thought call us, anytime.

We are a team of experts that offer you focused services which can be the best substitute for you to deal with your Hotmail Sign in and other related issues. Our professionals at Hotmail Tech Support Phone Number 1855 345 8210 deals with any of account related issue like password recovery, forget password or else. Our support team is at your service all day and night, without any break across the globe.

Hotmail Sign in can be a Stress Sometimes

Below are some issues that one can face while his/her Hotmail Sign in or other related issues:-

•   Facing issues while registering for an account
•   Configuration and troubleshooting issues
•   Unable to set a filter to find a specific type of file
•   Issue while sending or receiving a mail
•   Unable to recover a hacked account
•   Problem while signing in or in accessing the account
•   Forgotten Hotmail password recovery is not happening

A professional at Hotmail Tech Support Phone Number deals with all issues, quickly. We have a large team of technically knowledgeable specialists in our support team. They suggest you the best way to tackle all your Hotmail Sign in issues. Also, our specialist gives you the tips to neglect account related mistakes in the coming future. Hotmail Tech Support Phone Number assures you to give the best alternative for all your problems in a small span of time. We are always at your service waiting for you to call us and obtain our specialists’ advice via Hotmail Tech Support Phone Number available 24/7.

Source: - Microsoft Hotmail support Phone Number
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