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1  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Perfect pitch on: August 20, 2011, 05:17:56 PM
Hi there,

I am just wondering if it is a common occurance for children on this BK forum to have perfect pitch. I have just discovered that my 34 months old can recognise notes by telling me if it is a 'High C' or 'Low C' or 'A'. He cannot do sharps or flats though. I was shocked.. and am dearly hoping that my 28-years-old yamaha keyboard is properly tuned, haha. I haven't really been properly doing a music program with him at all, though he can play a few simple tunes on the keyboards.

Just curious,thanks!
2  EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: aba therapy and Autism on: August 16, 2011, 06:25:34 PM
Thanks TMT, for referring me and reminding me of this book. I had read the other Doman books (when he was younger), but not this. Will try to get a copy soon.

Waterdreamer, thanks! You and your son have always inspired me. Will ask my ABA consultant about the other therapies. We are still at the first 2 weeks. Today was our 2nd workshop; they had been really amazed that he can read. From what I can tell today, the ABA programs will be focusing on trying to get him to verbalize his requests spontaneously, starting with 1 word requests.

At the moment, he is starting with 15 hours per week. Sadly here, we do not have public funding for this program. So, it wasn't necessary for me to get an official assessment from the dev. paediatrician. (She refused to diagnose him with it) However, from observing him with other kids at a typical playschool, I could tell he is a bit 'off' in social development, if you know what i mean. Hopefully, 3 hours a day of therapy at the center is enough. 

3  EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: aba therapy and Autism on: August 13, 2011, 07:38:30 AM
Also, I'm pretty much quite alone and lost in fighting this battle with autism.

Will ABA be enough, or is speech therapy and occupational therapy necessary too? What are the examples for things done in speech and occupational therapy that ISN'T covered by ABA?

He is already on the GFCF diet (almost 3 weeks now), but I do not see major changes except he is boycotting rice milk now and eating more solids. Probably because he does not have much behaviourial problem to start with.

4  EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Question!! Re: aba therapy and Autism on: August 13, 2011, 06:46:59 AM
I've got a question regarding ABA and kids in the spectrum.

My little guy has been reading since before 2 (he's won the consolation prize in the LR video contest, yay smile ). However, I have just started him in the ABA program as I have concerns about lack of eye contact (especially with strangers), and ignoring or disinterest in kids and delay in expressive speech. He ignores strangers even if they call his name and is more interested in objects rather than faces. He is however, amazing at IQ logic games, numbers, music and reading. He can play a few tunes on the keyboard on his own. His conversations are a bit 'scripted' though. He is about 2.6 - 2.9 years old now (former 27 weeker preemie)

I had been devastated to learn that he could be on the spectrum (no official diagnosis done, but ABA school could see 'traits'. ). Knowing importance of early invention, I immediately put him on the waiting list of ABA here.

I have stopped my early learning program on BK with him. From experience, do you think it is okay to continue? I mean, does the rapid flashing and and computer/tv use worsen it, you think? Should I continue EK flashcards with him? He has an excellent memory, and almost no behavourial problem (except obsession with water things)

Thanks in advance!

5  The BrillKids Forum / Contests / Re: WINNERS OF THE VIDEO CONTEST: You, Your Baby and Little Reader Part 2! on: March 11, 2011, 02:23:14 PM
Thank you so much! We are so excited to learn of it and am looking forward to the bookset smile
6  EARLY LEARNING / Homeschooling / Re: Homeschool in MALAYSIA: how do you do it? on: February 28, 2011, 04:46:57 PM
Hi Nellie,

I'm from Kuala Lumpur, and coincidentally was also doing a bit of research on local preschool curriculum as well as homeschooling for my son who is 28 months old. I managed to stumble upon the following site which supports local homeschoolers. From what I read there is even a centre with lab/library facilities.

Hope that helps.

7  Local Support Groups / General Discussions / What type of school will you be choosing for your child? on: February 23, 2011, 04:46:55 PM
Hi there,

If you are in Malaysia, I am just wondering what type of school are you planning for your child? My boy will be turning 3 this year, and I am suddenly worried about the right schooling system for him.

Initially, my hubby and I were both agreeable to Chinese national school (SRJK type schools). But now, after seriously thinking about it, I am really worried that I am unable to help my child in his schoolwork, as I am unable to speak, read nor write mandarin. My hubby speaks but is not able to read/write chinese either.
My concern is : how am I supposed to help my boy, if he requires help in his homework?

My husband is strongly for Chinese school as he believes that Chinese is not a easy language to pick up through tuition, and the only way to master it is to fully immerse the child in it.

What is your choice for your child and why?
8  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Re: Printable Staff Paper on: February 16, 2011, 06:57:06 AM
Thank you! Love that it is customizable too.
9  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / Re: Ella playing the piano at 31 months old on: February 16, 2011, 05:12:58 AM
That was mind blowing! Wow.. !
10  Local Support Groups / Local Meet-Ups / Re: Want to share experiences in your child's early education? [AWARDED!] on: November 02, 2010, 09:38:44 AM
With Art, apart from Tweedlewink and LR downloads, I am currently using this baby book set to expose him to artists and their paintings:

He has been enjoying Monet so far, and likes reading it.

I have no time yet to prepare or print out the EK flashcards.

Btw, i've recently just received my Volume 7,8 and 9 of Tweedlewink dvds! Yay.. am glad he is still as excited to watch it. Watched DVD 7 and I have one complaint, though. I don't like it that they use a dressed-up teddy bear to teach various occupations, instead of real people/ real photos. Anyway, the rest is great.

Wondering if any of you purchased LR Chinese? What do you think - Simplified v Traditional? I am thinking of getting it for my boy, but cannot decide between these two. I can't speak or write mandarin, and i think our Malaysian school system uses Simplified. Any ideas?

Gotta run.


11  Local Support Groups / Local Meet-Ups / Re: Want to share experiences in your child's early education? on: October 24, 2010, 05:18:44 AM
Hi Farah, welcome aboard.  smile

Oh, I'm sure we are happy whether or not our child is a genius or not, as long as they are healthy and happy (and grow up to become a good, kind person). I tell myself that I am doing this to give my baby the best possible start that I am able to, and as long as my child finds it fun. I do not want to create a stressful environment at home or to pressure the baby into learning.

I do find that being in this brillkids community gives me lots of resources on early education as well as on how to bring up a happy and well-balanced child.

12  Local Support Groups / Local Meet-Ups / Re: Want to share experiences in your child's early education? on: October 21, 2010, 07:55:30 AM
Wow, ShenLi and Jezze, well done. I tried to make my own flashcards....but after doing A-Z, I got lazy and gave up and flashed the YBCR word cards. And subsequently used LR. ShenLi, I hope like your son, my boy will be able to read whole books on his own when he is older too.

My son attended Shichida since 9 months old. Hmm.. i really can't remember when he started on YBCR and Tweedlewink DVD. Time passes by so fast! Maybe a little earlier. He took to Tweedlewink DVDs quite well and probably had a crush on Aleka from YBCR - haha! I didn't let him watch cartoons or TV other than these and Baby Signing Time. Then later, we added Little Pim, Trebellina and Wink to Learn. Only this month, as his 2 years old 'birthday treat' (I'm so mean *evil grin* ), I started subscribing to Astro Cartoon package. He is still not keen yet though. 

I attended a trial class at Heguru before I got a spot with Shichida. Liked the musical appreciation session a lot and the EK flashcards, but prefer Shichida's bigger classroom. Heguru's class room was a little to claustrophobic for me and my super active boy. 'We' had no room to run around without disrupting the rest of the class too much. In Shichida, he has the back of the class to run around in. However, Shichida flashes silly things sometimes... like cartoon charactors or local bank logos (??!). Only recently, my son started becoming more interested in Shichida's finger training activities and enjoys the games and could sit down almost through the entire hour. Ooooo Jezze-Y...maybe I should also try the 5 min suggestion to calm him down too.

We also attended a Tweedlewink trial class. Enjoyed all the multi sensory session, but since we already have the DVDs, I thought we save some $$. Recently, started him on a Julia Gabriel Preschool playgroup. It has different activities compared to Shichida/Heguru-type of classes.

I haven't properly started to flash EK cards (except through LR). Can you share how you do it? Do you flash a card (say, Mozort's portrait) and read out a sentence pertaining to Mozart? Do you prepare your own cards? 

13  Local Support Groups / Local Meet-Ups / Re: Want to share experiences in your child's early education? on: October 19, 2010, 06:18:17 AM
Hi jezze,

Thanks for starting the topic. I stay in KL and am a SAHM. My son is a VERY active 24-months-old and we have been using LR and LM for the past year. Well, I must admit that I have slacked a little for the past few months :p

My son can recognise written words from about 15 months. He would do the action of 'clap', 'wave' or bang the table for 'table'. Now he can recognise more and more words. It's really pretty amazing how fast they learn, and I am so proud of him. This came from a combination of YBCR and flashcards and LR. However he is still behind in verbal skills - started saying a word or two about 18 months. Maybe because he is a boy? Maybe because he is 3 months premature, I don't know. I did become less worried when he started trying to say a few words for the past couple of month :p He recognises and say his alphabets and phonics and can read/count 1-20. But I wouldn't say he can 'count' properly yet, bcos he can sometimes point to the same item twice when counting, say 5 blocks.

Do you attend any enrichment classes in KL? Would love to share and compare notes with other moms who are interested in early education too.


14  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Is 20 months old too young for 'preschool'? Opinion pls? on: July 07, 2010, 03:43:28 PM
Hi all,

Just to update.

We went for a trial class this morning. Isaac was happy being there in the classroom for the first 30mins - smiling, exploring and playing with other kids and the teacher. Then a mom dropped of another boy who immediately lay on the ground, began wailing and screaming at the top of his lungs. That really freaked my son out and he started to cry too. After that, he really wanted OUT of that classroom and continue to cry (eventhough that other little boy eventually stopped). He has never cried in his Shichida class before, but I am guessing he hasn't really seen anyone scream like that before too.

Anyway, the teacher had informed me that they usually will not pay attention to a crying child, as that may prolong the crying and attention seeking behavior. She also told me that some kids can cry for the entire 3 terms, .. but eventually will settle down. The rest of the kids are about 2 years old.

So guys, thanks! After the trial class, I have decided that my child IS too young for that kind of class. I cannot imagine him crying for 3 terms EVERY DAY, and no one there to comfort him. Not at this age anyway (he is like 17-months old, if adjusted for his prematurity).

So, I will take Reei's suggestion and look up Kindermusik or Gymboree or even swimming lessons (good idea!)  or something less intensive where I can be there too.
Thanks for all your input.

15  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Is 20 months old too young for 'preschool'? Opinion pls? on: July 06, 2010, 12:25:39 PM
How is his social behavior around other kids? or babysitters? how independent is he?is he very attatch to you?. I will like you to answer this questions so I can have a better idea of how he will feel.

PY, thank you.
He seems very interested with what other kids are playing when in the playground, and tries to engage them sometimes (just now, he just tried to feed leaves to another slightly bigger boy! hah!). Very independent and likes to explore. Not very attached to me. This means that, in a new place, he would run and explore and doesn't mind if I'm near or not. Not sure about strange babysitters, though I doubt he would fuss.

Reei, I do believe in letting him exercise outdoors too! smile However, doing outdoor activities here means late afternoon about 5.30pm, when the sun sets. Awfully hot outdoor during the daytime. I do try to drive him to the playground in the evenings, but lake, beach is not possible. Other options are shopping malls during the day.

He's not very good at sitting down quietly in class though - he runs around in his Shichida class while other kids can sit down for slightly longer time and work their actitivties.

I suppose boredom has its points but I also do not want to waste precious time when his brain can absorb fast now. You know what I mean?

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