I am new to LR and I have been searching the forum and manual to know how to customize my categories. I have downloaded some great files but I would like to make some of my own playlists using some of the words/pictures/sounds from existing files. For example, I downloaded a French file that has a combination of foods, household items and body parts. I would like to make a separate category for each but it seems that I am not able to just drag and/or copy a word from one category or list to another. Is this possible?
Also, as I am downloading files I find that I end up duplicates. This is great to add variety if I can combine them. Is this also possible? For example, if I have several downloaded lists with the word "eye", can I tag or combine them so that whenever "eye" comes up it will pull from any of the various related print, audio or video?
Thanks so much for your help as I get started! ~Katie