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Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Baby teething
on: March 30, 2010, 09:07:12 PM
Hello! I have a 9 months and half little daughter and no tooth. Otherwise she is healthy, very active and a happy baby. However I am a little bit worried other babies have at least 4 teeth at this age. Every morning I check in her mouth ...but until now no tooth.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Other Topics / Re: Baby hates crawling :(
on: March 29, 2010, 03:05:50 PM
Hello! I had the same problem as you. Some people said to me this happened because i didn't let her to stay on her tummy when she has a few months. I tried myself to let her staying on her tummy and put in front of her, at a distance, but not far away,a toy she liked it very much. Even I stayed myself with her singing and telling her poems. But no results! Isaid to me:It's not a good idea to force the child! Then she was starting to roll over on his back and tummy. In the beginning, she was staying a couple of minutes trying to reach the toy but not moving. Until 8 months and half she didn't crawl. I put her toys on the ground and I let her there to play with them and I play myself with her. She likes the ball very much. She likes, even now, to stay on the ground.And after 3 days of staying down I saw my daughter started to crawl after a duck. I was very happy with tears in my eyes! However, don't worry! Every child has his own development and when it's time for it, he'll do it!
I hope will help you! If you have question, don't hesitate to ask me!