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[03 Aug] Winners of the Little Reader Video Contest (Part 5)! (More...)

[25 Jul] Bianca's Story - What happens 10+ years after learning to read as a baby/toddler (More...)

[27 Jun] Updates on our Early Education for Every Child Foundation (EEECF) (More...)

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[20 Apr] Little Reader Curricula on your iPad or iPhone - now possible with iAccess! (More...)

[12 Apr] LITTLE MUSICIAN - now in OPEN BETA TESTING (with a complete curriculum) (More...)

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[22 Nov] Little Reader Touch now available in the App Store! (More...)

[09 Nov] Winners of the September 2011 Video Contest (More...)

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[02 Sep] Little Reader Wins Another Two Awards! (Mom's Best Award & TNPC Seal of Approval) (More...)

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1  Local Support Groups / العربية / Re: Progress Update on: February 23, 2012, 10:06:46 PM
Assalaamu Alaikum dear all,

OK I have been slacking for a while as I was caught up with full time work - pregnancies and the like....Alhumdulillah I am not on maternity leave and keen to get back and make up for all the lost time insha'Allah (I know Allah is the best of planners....)

My first issue is I am short on time between my 3.5 year old and 2 month old and all their activites.  I also noted that there have been upgrades and all sorts so I am essentially starting again insha'Allah. PLEASE keep us in your dua and I am grateful for all your inspiring posts which I wil use to motivate us to do whatever we can....

If you have any tips re where I should start with my 3.5 year old or the 2 month old do let me know....

Ayesha Nicole - if you still need help with any of the recordings please let us know - I have my mum in law here till mid March and we are using her to record some stories etc too...

I am planning to post when I can so that I can keep ourselves motivated insha'Allah....

fee amanillah w jazakum Allah for all your efforts and inspiration...

Reshmi - Umm Amani w Adam
2  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Little Reader available on the iPad today! on: January 12, 2011, 07:14:20 PM
It is great to know that LR will be available on Ipad - for those who have used it - does the smaller screen make a difference?

3  Local Support Groups / England / Re: I'll go first on: October 26, 2010, 07:19:15 PM
Hi All,

great to see a few of us here in the UK doing LR, LM etc.

I am a full time working mum to 2  year old Amani Maryam - we do the best to use LR and LM at one end of the far the LR seems more popular but I never sure how much is really going in! best case tho her vocab is expanding!

I have been pleasantly surprised when reading one of the BK books with her recenlty tho nowink

We live in Royal Victoria Docks East London  I know one other mum who does not live too far too.

It would be great to meet up with others

I would not mind travelling a bit but could only really do weekends unless I took a day off work

Are there other mums in or around London?

4  Local Support Groups / العربية / Re: Qur'an Curriculum & Daily Schedule on: July 13, 2010, 11:32:10 PM
salaam Ayesha,

Jazakillah for posting this. Alhumdulillah it gives me hope and more of a structure insha'Allah.

Is the google group still live? could you let me know how I could subscribe - could not seem to find it.

5  Local Support Groups / العربية / Re: Talking Arabic Alphabet Puzzle - great toy on: July 13, 2010, 11:25:50 PM
HI All,

Thanks for posting KM276

Just in case anyone is thinking to buy this please note that there are a couple of letters that are not correctly pronounced (i think daal was one of them).  They are recording a new version and a more interactive phonetic Arabic alphaet too but this is still in progress and I will update once it is available.

The original doll if anyone bought it also had mistakes in pronunciation - but as an initiative is excellent - this has now been re-recorded and is available it seems to have been marketed as a tajweed version - it is probably more correctly described as an improved Arabic version as some letters such as the jeem are not pronouced according tajweed but local dialect.

They still have not found a boy to re-records Yusuf so if anyone has a 10-13 year old they could recommend who is based in London UK get in touch with Farzana at Desi doll or myself

Umm Amani

6  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Doman Method Schedule - Adjustments for Arabic Vowel Patterns on: July 13, 2010, 10:18:30 PM
Salaam dear Ayesha and all,

I have just come across this thread - and am so inspired by you all Alhumdulillah  I am a full time working mum - and so struggling a bit to spend the time I want to on teaching my 23 month old as i would ideally want AH. My husband is a native Arabic speaker and teaches tajweed but as I am not native speaker my daugther's English is more prevalent plus to date I have only done a little bit of LR in Arabic. I am also not sure if she is just learning the vocab or can read.

Jazakillah Ayesha for uploading the Noorani/Doman stuff - I have not checked it out yet but I assume it is on line and will download it as soon as I can insha'Allah.  I am still not that familiar with LR and customising it so may give you all a shout in due course.  

I just wanted to ask - how old are your children and what age did you start with them? Also as I am a FT working mum I only have the morning and evening to do any educating - how long do you spend a day on the Quran lessons and do you do other languages as well?

One again - JAK to you all for your inspiring posts...

fee amanillah


ps JAK Karishma for prompting me to sign up to BK!

7  Local Support Groups / Foreign Language Boards Discussions / Re: Native ARABIC speaker? Need your help with Arabic curriculum please! on: July 13, 2010, 08:44:27 PM
Hi KL and all,

Have PM'd you KL - I am very excited about this and happy to get in touch with our contacts to see how we can assist with this.

I am inspired by Ayesha's post she seems like a pro - I am still figuring out the whole educating thing...
In the meanwhile I will email a few of my contacts for their views on this as well.

Look forward to hearing more in due course...hopefully soon

Reshmi (Umm amani - mother of Amani)
8  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Would you prefer teaching British English than US English? on: July 07, 2010, 07:40:39 PM
yes please....I think this option wouldbe very benefical...especially with words like "pants" v "trousers" etc.

look forward to seeing this soon

Really appreciate all you guys are doing  you are an inspiration to me...just hope my little one benefits from what little I am able to do

9  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / keeping their interest and how do you know they are picking it up? on: July 07, 2010, 07:37:13 PM
Hi All,

I have been using LR and LM for my 23 month old for around 4 months now.  She is really interested in the LR - mostly animals but less interested in the LM.  I tend to put it on know when i am feeding her as she likes to look at it then! but how do you know if they are picking it up and what do you do when they are really not interested for a period of time?

I am also a full time working mum (not by choice! but for financial reasons) so i do the sessions when we are together in the evenings (6-8pm) is this enough for the maths - I tend to do a few sessions each day so far as possible - and when she is more interested!

Any tips greatly apprciated

thanks in advance

10  Downloads + Collaborations Discussions / Foreign Language Free Downloads / Re: Any requests for Arabic downloads? on: May 25, 2010, 11:35:43 PM

not sure how far you are with your project but i am really keen to use this for my 21 month old insha'Allah.  She loves animals and we have downloaded some slides that a sister uploaded but have found that some of the words cut out before they completed.  My husband and I both bork full time and so to date we have not had a chance to work on the Arabic slides - but we do have ideas of what would be beneficial insha'Allah...

Words from teh Quran - I have a book that my husband uses for his tajweed classes and it has short words from the Qur'an which would be useful

Animals - always a hit with my daughter alhumdulillah

using some of the exisiting image/video files and putting the Arabic words for them

Most importantly for me - i have found from speaking to other mothers (Arab and non-Arab) that the pronuciation is key.  It should be clear and show the heavy and light letters and ideally not use the local dialect/accents - eg my husband is lebanese and they drop the Qaf so Qamar is pronounced Amar etc.

Insha'Alah we hope to work on this when we can so please do update us on where  you are with your project
11  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / YBCR v LR? on: April 13, 2010, 11:06:45 PM
Hi I am new to LR and this forum. I have signed up for the 14 day trial and so far my daughter loves this but I also came across your baby can read and wondered if anyone had any comments on using one over the other or if they are good to supplement one another...

I am planning to teach my daughter at least 3 languages (English, Arabic (formal and the local dialect her dad speaks) and Gujerati and possibly Hindi) so I know that LR may be used for different languages so I am leaning towards this.

Do people use various different tools and how have them found them?

I am also concious that I do not have a lot of time as I work full time so would be doing any sessions in the morning before nursery/childminder and then in the evening when we get back home...

thanks in advance for any tips

12  Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Addicted to books on: April 13, 2010, 10:48:48 PM
Hi I am new to this forum and to LR but can really relate to this post...

My 21 month old daugther regularly wakes up in the middle of the night to make us read to her...she wants to know what the names of things are and it is like she is so exicited she cannot sleep!  Her childminder (who also loves books like me and my daughter) jokingly says that taking her to the libranry is like taking any other child to a candy store!

Anyway, I have also used baby eintein with her since she was young - but we only started putting baby einstein on TV for her about 3 months ago and she now used to ask for this as she loved to learn the names of the animals or the shapes etc. I was not sure if it was a good idea to get her addicted to a TV programme so this prompted me getting LR which she seems just as excited about - but I am not sure how to get her to sleep! It seems to come in bursts but it is very exhausting especially as both my husband and I work full time! It does seem to come in bursts but I am not sure what triggers them other than perhaps a new discovery for her??

In any case it is comforting to know that there are others who have the same experience...i may try the tip of creating a day book idea...anything is worth trying!
13  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / hi - introducing myself on: April 13, 2010, 10:38:12 PM
Hi I am new to this forum and to teaching my daughter (21 month old) to read... My husband is Arab and I am Gujerati but not fluent in Gujerati. My parents speak to my daughter in Gujerati and English, my husband and his family speak to her in Arabic and I speak to her English with some in basic Arabic and Gujerati now and again!

So far she seems to understand all three languages - but as she is in nursery 2 days a week and then with an English speaking childminder for 3 days the English is more prevalent now that she is beginning to speak...

I read the Glenn Doman books a year ago but as I am full time working just never got round to following up with this...I have just signed up to the 14 day trial and am glad to hear that I can use different languages with this...So it looks like I will be buying this.

I was also looking at your baby can read and wondered if anyone had tried this as well - we were away from home on the weekend and didn't have the laptop so i was thinking that flash cards would be useful too!

If anyone has any other tips on teaching more than one language and what has worked for them when using little Reader or other tools it would be appreciated...

Reshmi (Umm Amani (Mother of Amani))
14  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Teaching 2 Languages at a time (split from "When do I start?") on: April 13, 2010, 10:29:39 PM
Hi I am new to this forum and to teaching my daughter (21 month old) to read but have found this post very insightful and useful. My husband is Arab and I am Gujerati but not fluent in Gujerati. My parents speak to my daughter in Gujerati and English, my hunsband and his family speak to her in Arabic and I speak to her English with some in basic Arabic and Gujerati now and again!

So far she seems to understand all three languages - but as she is in nursery the English is more prevalent now that she is beginning to speak..

I have just signed up to the 14 day trial and am glad to hear that I can use different languages with this...So it looks like I will be buying this.

If anyone has any other tips on teaching more than one language and what has worked for them when using little Reader or other tools it would be appreciated...

Reshmi (Umm Amani (Mother of Amani))
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