Assalaamu Alaikum dear all,
OK I have been slacking for a while as I was caught up with full time work - pregnancies and the like....Alhumdulillah I am not on maternity leave and keen to get back and make up for all the lost time insha'Allah (I know Allah is the best of planners....)
My first issue is I am short on time between my 3.5 year old and 2 month old and all their activites. I also noted that there have been upgrades and all sorts so I am essentially starting again insha'Allah. PLEASE keep us in your dua and I am grateful for all your inspiring posts which I wil use to motivate us to do whatever we can....
If you have any tips re where I should start with my 3.5 year old or the 2 month old do let me know....
Ayesha Nicole - if you still need help with any of the recordings please let us know - I have my mum in law here till mid March and we are using her to record some stories etc too...
I am planning to post when I can so that I can keep ourselves motivated insha'Allah....
fee amanillah w jazakum Allah for all your efforts and inspiration...
Reshmi - Umm Amani w Adam