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Local Support Groups / General Discussions / Re: Anybody using "Garbh Sanskar'
on: October 17, 2011, 04:28:34 AM
Sorry just my humble opinion its always better to hear sankrit mantras recorded from higher spiritual beings such as gurus, swami, yogis etc- this is because the mantra s will have powerful healing energy and you will feel very calm listening to the tone in the voice. There are some lay men who also chant this sankrit mantras with lots of devotion to god—the person listening to the tone can see the vibration changes in your body .. We have been advised by our guru that pregnant ladies should always remain happy and calm all the time as the foetus can see and sense what mother is feeling. Hence pregnant mothers should always be in a state of blissful and you should always meditate daily. Mother can also recite mantra’s themselves like the grabashambigayai mantras which you can find in the website me if u can find the mantras online..try to look for cd sang by spiritual people and you will get lots of benefit listening and playing it your house. You will notice even the energy in your house will change. Our guru always ask us to listen to beej mantra will heals our mind, reduces karmic layers and we will be in state of calmness. Child is bound to the mother via the umbilical cord. This cord is physical as well as ethereal. If the mother meditates and gets energised first, she can pass on her energy to the child. Mother’s mental state during pregnancy impact’s the child’s mental and physical state in life to come. It also impacts the personality of the child. Foetus can listen, feel and experience what the mother experiences and things that are in the environment around her. She may miss things, but the child will pick them up nonetheless. Therefore, a pregnant person should remain happy at all times.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Dot Method.
on: July 28, 2011, 07:48:34 AM
hi have also just started maths dots- not very consistent all depending on my daugh moods.. at times she refused to see them..she says big No the moment i show her the dots cards. dont want to force her, so somedays i have to skip.
i need clarification for additional 2 + 2 = 4 , 7+6 =13, 4+6 =10 : need to show 3 equations 3 times a day? and also continue showing the balance math dots cards - 5 cards also 3 times a day?
EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: Doman Patterning
on: June 20, 2011, 06:39:04 AM
Hi Sandy,
I tried various patterning execises. she is already 3 but i got her to do crawling and creeping- honestly was a little difficult so i had to crawl together with her . I also do brachiating-swinging on monkey bars, walking on the balance beam- this can be any beam having similar fucntion- i just get her to walk on the park at our apartment which has the raised beams along the walking path. basically u can do any exercises that reinforce the cross patterning - the objective is to activate the right and left brain.
u can also try brain gym activity whr the child is told to lift up legs in crossed pattern to opposide sides adain for the same objective.i get her to climb stair case up and down daily. also walking on various surfaces. weekends : she does forward and backward rolling & summersault.
i have seen remarkable changes in her mobility by doing various physical activities with her.