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BrillKids Software / Tech Support / Re: activation key
on: August 02, 2011, 03:42:43 AM
What i mean is, after the installation process, and LR2.0 runs, that version 2.0 is not activated. I tried to use my license key to activate it, but it can't work because it says the activation key has been used.
BrillKids Software / Tech Support / Re: activation key
on: August 02, 2011, 02:54:23 AM
How do you "carry over" the installation to a new version? Say my old version now is 1.6, i downloaded v2.0 and run the setup file... then it will guide me thru an installation process and after i am done, LR runs and its like a totally new software, Nothing gets carried over.
BrillKids Software / Tech Support / Re: Little reader freezes my computer!
on: August 01, 2011, 02:04:13 PM
Thanks for the reply Kezia. The first step states:
Reproduce the problem Try doing the same sequence of actions again in Little Reader and see if the same error happens every time. Take note of any error messages and try to describe what is happening in as much detail as you can. You may also take a screenshot, if applicable. Learn more here.
When my pc hangs, i have to restart! I can't take a screenshot and there is certainly no error messages. Just that its stuck at the certain particular slide.
BrillKids Software / Tech Support / Little reader freezes my computer!
on: July 30, 2011, 03:19:12 AM
I am using little reader on both my laptop & my pc, both are installed with no error and registered with licensed key. But halfway thru the lessons, it will just stall at one of the slides and we can't get the program to switch slides anymore. Better yet, none of the keys, esc, spacebar or the mouse click will work anymore and I have to press the restart button on my pc! This happens every single time. Please help me, thanks.
BrillKids Software / Tech Support / Lilttle Reader Content Disc Sem 1 Cannot be imported.
on: November 26, 2010, 05:24:54 PM
We just purchased the Little Reader Deluxe Software (2 content discs + Little Maths + Little Mandarin). We installed the LR software but once we inserted the content disc, there is no prompts for us to import the materials. From the LR software, a .lrc file is required but we cant find this file in the CD. Pls guide us how to install the content disc. We havent even started attempting installing the Little Math & Little Mandarin software. Thank you.