Hey thanks for the response, appreciate that.
These days I tend to play a game with her. Its like I ask her "whats that?". Shes like "a book". And im like "What sound does the bbbooookkkkk start with?" (really slowing down when i say book so that shes able to appreciate the various sounds.) Thus, she now usually is able to tell the sound different words make. Ofcourse its all just verbal but this is how im trying to make her aware of phonics.
Along with that Im reading to her using the pointing method of Native Reading. Plus Im also showing her the first video of YBCR and starfall phonics.She likes both YBCR and starfall.
So, im on it
I have downloaded LR trial pack also which im reviewing. Its nice.
Let me also check out TRL and funnix, sound interesting. WOW youve given so much links that im more confused now, which is good
Here are some follow up questions:
1) How is YBCR to be used? I mean, for how long and what frequency are each videos to be shown?