I used the "Hypnobabies" approach, and I can highly recommend it. It was created by a former Hypnobirthing instructor. It incorporates more of the hypnosis techniques that are used for anesthesia replacement during surgery for those who are allergic). It is a five week course, where you and your birthing partner work through hypnosis scripts and listen to CDs. There are also special CDs for when you are actually in labor, as well as one to listen to in case you go in for an emergency C-section.
I had a natural birth at home. My labor lasted 48 hours, from first contraction to baby's arrival. (His head had been in a funny position, which slowed things down.) I'm not sure I would have had the mental stamina to make it through (I wasn't able to eat or sleep during labor) if it weren't for the rest that Hypnobabies allowed my mind. Yes, I did still feel pain and I did feel quite tired by the end. The best metaphor I can come up with for the experience is, the waves kept crashing over me, but Hypnobabies was like a surfboard that let me ride those waves, rather than be pummeled by them! (I did fall off that board a few times and I learned my lesson!)
I would encourage you to include Hypnobabies in your research. The have certified instructors, but there is also a study-at-home course if you aren't near one.
I'll be using Hypnobabies for my next birth. I've also been working more on my meditation practice so that I can find that quiet place inside more easily.