UPDATE July 28th, 2011:
Emails have been sent out to all those who have been invited to the beta-testing program!
Alternatively, go to the newly-created Beta Testing board for Little Musician, or this thread for more details:
For those of you who want to participate in the beta testing, please read my post below, and reply to this topic with the requested information. Thanks!----------
Hi all!
Good news - we're almost ready to begin beta testing for Little Musician!
(BTW, I'll be calling it
LMs for short, to distinguish it from LM (Little Math) and LR (Little Reader).)
The not-so-good news is that this will be a
CLOSED beta-test, meaning it won't be open to everyone. But not to worry, cos
OPEN beta-testing (open to all) will follow immediately after closed beta-testing.
For this closed beta-testing, we are inviting those of you who fit the following description:
- have a strong music background and experience
- play or have played a music instrument
- can read notes
- have an idea what you're looking for in a music program for children
If you are interested in joining this closed beta-testing program, then
please reply to this topic and let me know a bit about your music background, etc.Please try not to PM me instead unless there's a some real privacy concerns, as it won't be dealt with as efficiently.
Once we're ready to start beta-testing, you will be emailed details on how to download the program. (Make sure the email you use in your BrillKids account is one you check often.)