Hi deepak,
I have purchased LR basic last week and i am finding its hard to get started. I have installed 2.0.715 Issue:1- I am not able to import content semister one as its asked on coupon card, after i start importing content from semister 1-2 cd it gives me message as "Imported file(s) are damaged. please check your files and try again". what i supposed to check in files in CD? i am just importing contents from cd from poup after auto run?
I checked with Chennai support they asked to manually activate license key from my installed software from managed license key tab.
Issue:2- I logged in to Internet brill kids website. then i started software and went through license key activiation process. At the end license key it says, "Unable to login to Brill kids server. please make sure you entered valid username password".
where as i am able to login to below tab in same software window and able to see the page. I am not able to understand what is wrong with connection or login which i am able to login on same page below. I tried this more than 2 times with installing- uninstalling software. Can you please help me in this?
I am still not able to do anything with those cds. as i am able to see only trial version working with both US and UK content.
I have posted same message on support however i am not able to get any response. should i work with reseller only for this? i am not sure Content CD's work or not because i tried on another laptop still didnt work.
..no clue currently?
Thanks in advance for your help. pravin.