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1  EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: New here on: April 13, 2016, 11:47:37 AM
Welcome Nicole. Looks like you are an experienced mum in this field. We loved Little reader and it was much easier than hand making flash cards!
2  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Math / Re: Random vs. Grid on: April 13, 2016, 11:42:58 AM
Decide based on how old you think his "brain" is. Since DS kids are not always developing everything at the same speed or even in the same order you will need to decide if you think he needs to learn from the patterns and logic or pure visual input. I would think random would be more developmentally appropriate in most cases like yours but if he's a pretty switched on kid then go for the grid pattern.
3  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Australian Users: Public or Private school? on: April 12, 2016, 05:48:09 AM
I chose private school for my children and don't regret it. However I can't say they got an individual education at all. The education they received was on par with what they would have got at a public school. They did however get to spend their days with a MUCH nicer group of children and these children all had parents who valued education. That was worth the money all by itself. The kids grew up thinking education was important and they had to try hard.
In terms of learning, each school (public or private) is quite individual and you would need to actually visit the schools around your area to determine the best fit. In many places in NSW
 public schools are better, especially if you live in an area where the average income is high.
In the end after many happy years in school my children were just not being challenged enough at school and I am homeschooling them for the time being. If you are serious about excelling in education long term, homeschooling is most definelty the best way.
4  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: 5 years old on: October 27, 2015, 09:13:09 AM
If your older child does become bored using the flash cards section in her native tongue then let her do some drawing or star jumps for that section. But cross that bridge if you come to it. You can't predict if she will love learning along with her sister or not until you start.
Older children can learn differently from younger ones but at 5 she can benefit from both ways. Flash cards and phonics. Her brain is developing between the two ways of learning.
For a second language show both of them all of it and ask the older one to speak the words out loud also. This encourages her vocabulary development and the younger one will likely join in. lots of people have taught second languages this way, even for older kids.
5  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: shall I buy the program? on: October 26, 2015, 10:02:01 AM
Hello,and welcome!
Firstly yes you can teach both twins together and it's not too late. To get started up the top of this page on the right there is a button that says TRIAL if you push that button you can download a free trial,of the little reader program. Then if your children like it you can buy it from the button that says SHOP.
Hope that helps smile
6  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: 5 years old on: October 25, 2015, 11:54:21 AM
Show it to both children in both languages. Then they can learn a second language together and learn to read in both languages simultaneously.
7  Products Marketplace / Second-Hand Sell + Swap / Re: Welcome to the Second-Hand Sell + Swap Board! on: October 25, 2015, 11:46:53 AM
You cannot on sell your LR or LM products as to do so your buyer would need your licence keys licence keys are not transferable.
8  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: How many maximum in each set? on: October 25, 2015, 11:43:24 AM
If your baby is still attentive and happy at the end of 10 then do 10. If baby looses interest stop. The point to stop at is always just before your baby has had enough. It might start off at 5 and increase to 20 or more over time. 10 is a good place to be because it's really hard work keeping up with making new cards when you go over 10!
9  BEYOND EARLY LEARNING (for older years) / Music / Re: Leaving instruments lying around the house on: October 12, 2015, 06:58:17 AM
Oh that's a great idea! I was thinking of paying for just a few lessons to get started. To get a grip on the basics of each instrumend. These days we also have YouTube! What a wealth of free lessons YouTube is!
10  BEYOND EARLY LEARNING (for older years) / The Sciences / Re: Ideas for teaching mechanics / machines ? on: September 28, 2015, 06:06:47 AM
There are plenty of mechanics type apps available if you have an Ithing. We like Monster physics, sprinkle, where's my water, tinker and oh gosh there is more.
We also like the coding apps. Engineers these days are often needing codeing knowledge so try some of those too.
For toys Lego is your number one choice. Not technics yet. Honestly technics frustrated little kids so save it for later. Normal Lego has a lot of benefits and is worth the expense. Then we liked Magna tiles and pretty much anything magnetic actually.
I often stopped by the vacuum repair place or the small good repair place and got some broken parts for my kids to pull apart using screwdrivers etc as well. My son LOVED this. He took a vacuum cleaning part to kindy for show and tell. Only time all year he was keen to do show and tell!  smile
We have snap circuits but my boy quickly surpassed them and thankfully my father is an electronic technician and my father in law gave him a bread board a little too young...well that's what I thought until my dad came over and showed him what it does and well.......apparently he wasn't too young for it! Clearly I am still too young for it. It makes NO sense to me! So don't be shy to go up age brackets. We have our eye on some of the solar power kits you can get for Christmas smile
11  BEYOND EARLY LEARNING (for older years) / Music / Leaving instruments lying around the house πŸ˜„ on: September 28, 2015, 05:57:21 AM
I got some fabulous advice recently from a homeschooling mum and had to share. I asked for a list of items I ought to buy before I quite work to homeschool my kids. One of the mums suggested buying instruments. LOTS of instruments and just having them on hand, around the house so the kids can play with them. At first the idea baffled me but I thought this through some.
To me learning an instrument is a BIG DEAL it's lessons, expense and commitment. I realised I think that way because I was raised that way. My kids don't think that way at all. They all pluck away at the piano making up tunes and memorising pieces. Not all of them take lessons and at times none of them do...but they all still play.....just because it's there!
So I decided to collect some instruments I was super excited about this but honesty had NO IDEA where to start. I didn't know if I was going to be ripped off, buy a dud or what. But I was keen so I looked.
A month later we now have a piano, guitar (which I had restrung) a clarinet (picked up free! And costing me a service for a perfect instrument) and a trumpet which was very cheap and I have already been offered double my money for it πŸ˜€. Oh and a didgeridoo! We almost scored a flute too but I lucked out there.
As a bonus we all play them al just a bit here and there for fun. None of them are too precious to hand to our visiting 2 year old nephew for a play and all are being used. Because they were cheap I let the kids take them outside to play. Yes they were trumpeting in the trampoline! (Not that I recomend that!)
So if your kids are done with Little musician don't underestimate them. Get them some instruments and see what happens.i would never have picked trumpet but two of my kids LOVE it and some lessons are on the cards soon. I am not all that musical myself but my kids can be if I don't limit them. Off to find a drum kit, cello, flute and saxophone now!
12  BEYOND EARLY LEARNING (for older years) / General Discussions - After Early Learning / Re: Anybody still here? on: September 28, 2015, 05:43:18 AM
Oh I read those other homeschool forums and frankly they don't suit us so well. So often we are told we are pushy Sad We have added a big kids section to this forum for just that reason. I would love to see you post some ideas in there for discussion. If more of us did all the old friends would have reason to continue being here.
Homeschooling questions pop up all the time add to that that we are hitting those bumps a few years earlier than most and we really need a support group!
13  BEYOND EARLY LEARNING (for older years) / General Discussions - After Early Learning / Re: Book discussion: Internal Drive Theory by Petunia Lee on: September 28, 2015, 05:38:55 AM
Oh i did love this book. I am glad I have it to refer back to over time. It's a keeper.
My big takeaways hmmm there were a few.
I did find I do a lot of these things naturally, which I guess would explain my kids fabulous attitudes towards learning. I got a few great new ideas which I implemented strait away.

Goals: we have always had some goals for the kids, but the academic ones are so difficult to pin down since they attend school. I often can't get enough information about what they are learning to set goals. Still we set some goals to get 100% in spelling, phonograms and Aplus for some assignments. All of which they managed. My children's marks are usually near 100% but setting goals for it meant they had to avoid those careless errors they often had.

RIVR random intermittent variable reinforcement was just the thing I was looking for and never new it. A few times in the past I have found my kids doing things just because they know I like it, or worse expecting rewards because I gave them once before. This idea of rewarding them randomly has made a big difference to their own sense of wellbeing. Now they really don't know when mum is going to super pleased and dance around the house screaming "you did it! You little legend!" And they truely get excited by their successes. Oh and it doesn't cost me Lego every time I want something done well! And it gives me a reason to spoil them routine sometimes ☺️ I like excuses to spoil my kids. πŸ˜ƒ I am using this in my classroom with fantastic success also.

Now RIVP at first shocked me to my core. BUT see I think there might be a bit of tiger mum in me because on reflection I can see a place for it. I think the key point here is that your relationship with your kids must be ROCK SOLID before you even consider this one. You also need the right kids. One of my three would just never forgive me for this behaviour so the risk is too great, I wouldn't use it for academics frankly. I just don't think high academic marks are worth that. (I know! I a, shocked I said that too!) but I would pull this card out if I caught my kids doing drugs or something that bad and life altering. When the risk would be worth the reward. I know I could pull of a 3 day Madusa rant easily too. I can act quite convincingly πŸ˜‰

Many of the other pouts I do already but I have enhanced my positive talk about the kids within their earshot and I have made my feedback loop more explicit, both in schoolwork and in their sports and behaviour. I also send them out to put the chooks to bed halfway through homework now too. They never complain about putting the chooks to bed now for some reason.... πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

14  BEYOND EARLY LEARNING (for older years) / General Discussions - After Early Learning / Re: Early academic learning is harmful? on: August 27, 2015, 09:43:15 PM
My children learnt social skills from good parenting and a quality intake of children at their school. They truely are surrounded by lovely kids at school and this certainly helps, as their views reflect what I teach my kids.
I spend a lot of time and effort on learning the best parenting techniques, self questioning my views and making sure I am raising my kids right.
I recommend two books over all others so far
"It Ok not to share and other renegade rules for parenting" and "internal Drive" these two will make you question everything you think you know and that is the point. Make informed choices and follow through on your choices every time. Hope that helps. smile
15  BEYOND EARLY LEARNING (for older years) / General Discussions - After Early Learning / Re: Early academic learning is harmful? on: August 27, 2015, 11:09:45 AM
Studies showing the effects of early learning at all are pretty minimal. Good or bad they just aren't  done. There are thousands of articles stating its bad but very few with any real study to back it up. I can't actually think of a single article that I couldn't poke large holes in very easily.

You asked about the older kids. Well I can tell you the ones I know are doing very well. I know quite a few of them now smile
My own three are this year in school and thriving. They are very well rounded kids. They win sports trophies at school carnivals and have black belts in taekondo. They play piano (with amazing musical memory!) and participate in drama performances. They are strait A students academically and are invited to all the parties as they are very well liked. They absolutely love learning still. Their bedtime stories are often non fiction by their choice and we are constant lay doing trips to the library for more books. Early learning certainly did them no harm!

The only problem we have faced is in keeping them challenged at school. They find it all very easy and need more to chew on. In the past I have extended their learning topics at home but the future looks like it will involve homeschooling to keep them challenged. They will hit the ceiling of what school can teach them well before they finish school by age or grade. But if that's my only EL criticism then I would still do it all over again!
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