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BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / tweaking little reader and a problem
on: April 07, 2013, 07:17:09 AM
I have been trying to get little reader to slow down on some of the files I download from the library. Some move so fast I can't even read them to my grandson. I've tried a few things but no results. Any tips? Thanks.
A problem I've had with LR and LM for sometime, but I never got around to reporting is on a few of the transations from one part of the lesson to the next is a little bit of the sound is cut of...just like half a syllable. What can I do?
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child Music / novice teaching piano to 3.5 year old
on: February 01, 2013, 10:31:11 AM
Hi, I'm on lessons 51 of LM with my grandson. He is 3 years old, closing on 4. He does well with the program. He certainly has an ear for music, but I don't, and know very very little about music. However I would like to start him on learning the piano. We have an old electric Yamaha, 29 white keys, without MIDI. I've been reading the older post here on the subject, and can see there is a lot of good info posted already. Also I've noted some of the software programs that are out there like Soft Mozart, however I'll wait on that as it's a deeper commitment. My question is...where should and what should I start with? That is what would be a simple basic beginning to do with him, and me. Thanks in advance, Tim
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Sweets
on: September 27, 2012, 05:11:15 PM
Running the race against sweets has giants rewards. The chief reward is a healthier child. I've studied in depth both sides of the sugar question. That is I read what the sugar companies believe and what nutritionist write. When ever I do a study I tried to be as objective as I can. On the internet you can find anything you want such as emphatic statements saying there is nothing wrong with white sugar, or the opposite protesting that it is the demon of all foods. I could write a small book on the subject, but the bottom line is white sugar, sucrose, is a pure carbon molecule with no fiber, minerals, or vitamins, proteins or fats. Logic then ask why eat it? It's a stand alone compound created mostly by mechanical means using high temperatures and pressure. Harvard University recent study concluded that this 'food' is as addicting as heroin, and I'll add it is as pure as heroin. However, the consumer is up against a virtually unslayable monster. Sugar is the food industries best friend. Besides making us addicts to the foods it possess, it's a wonderful preserver of food. The sucrose molecule has a unique characteristic which makes it very stable, and therefore retards spoilage of the food it is in. There are other great reason sugar is relished and used profusely by the food manufactures, but I won't list them here. However do note that much sugar has been replaced by an even greater menace and that is high fructose corn syrup. Sugar, from my studies, is not a food, but an addictive drug. Do I eat sugar? Yes, partly as living in the USA it is almost impossible to avoid. Most the time I live outside the States, where it is much easier. However, wherever I live I try to limit my sweet indulgence to only twice a month. However for young growing bodies it is a serious issue. Sugar is linked to 100 hundreds of diseases. For my 6 kids, and now grand kids, we were very strict in the formative years with their diet, practicality the first 3 years. Virtually no white sugar at all. I can testify they are all very healthy compare to society at large. My grandson, now 3.5 has only been sick with a handful of colds.