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1  EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: Reading on: February 08, 2017, 04:50:45 AM
It is such a late reply but here is a blog that might help from someone who used to be in this forum more.  She is lovely and her son had great success too with LR.  Hopefully, I am not to late in my offering.   Happy EL journey!
2  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: How to get my son to sit/stay longer on Brillbaby on: February 08, 2017, 04:42:43 AM
I would break up the sessions.  I would do the multimedia session.  Take a break and sing a song.  Then come back to the phonics sections and maybe skip the picture flash and the words split.  I am not sure if anyone else would agree, but it is certainly what I do sometimes with DS1 and what I did with my DS5.  Also it helps to pick meal times like breakfast and lunch when they are sitting down in a high chair.  A captive audience that is happily eating will do the trick.  Toddlers do not have to stare at the screen so don't worry if it seems they aren't paying attention. 

You can also supplement with other videos that may catch your child's eyes.  Preschool Prep has their whole video of sight words 1 on youtube, and there are a vast array a videos with large print. also has a youtube channel with great videos.  HTH
3  Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Every one from The land down under on: January 20, 2017, 10:29:19 PM
Not sure if anyone has been able to help you.  It could be a browser or OS issue.   I would contact them directly.  I wish you many successes in your early learning journey and I hope to hear updates soon.
4  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Update from North Dakota on: January 20, 2017, 10:26:51 PM
Wonderful update. Once they get mobile, EL can become a little tricky.  It takes lots of enthusiasm and starting to let your child take a lead in their personal learning journey.  When I did EL with DS5, he latched on to geography and I was able to achieve many EL opportunities by tapping into his interest.  I am still doing that now.  He loves all things geography so any kind of chapter book series on geography turns into a win for us.  From reading to writing to math, everything is oriented around geography.  He developed his interest in geography before he was 2, and it began with an obsession for shapes.  I would be looking for any kind of interest at this point and make plans to work around this interest. 
5  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Three Advantages Of Teaching Your Child To Read At Home on: January 20, 2017, 10:19:15 PM
I agree about doing both phonics and sight words.  With four kids, I have seen the benefit of doing both equally.
6  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Teanching my other daughter to read on: January 20, 2017, 10:17:36 PM
She is an excellent reader! thank you for sharing! 
7  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Teanching my other daughter to read on: January 20, 2017, 10:10:46 PM
She is just so joyful!  What a wonderful little learner! Thank for you sharing!
8  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: Is my son learning? on: January 20, 2017, 10:06:21 PM
Babies are often taking in a panoramic view.  It is great that baby is focused on your mouth.  He is learning how you speak and taking notes while at the same time learning to read.  The first time around I saw no signs of reading and wondered many times if I wasted my time.   Sometimes he would just look about and I wondered how a baby can learn to read this way.  In fact by 12 months, I started to see small signs of reading and by 16 months I was seeing my little one grow leaps and bounds.  He was showing signs of not just reading but understanding.   

Keep up the hard work of consistency!  Every child is different but as long as there is joyful exposure, you a building a life long lover of learning.
9  BrillKids Software / Little Reader - General Discussion / Re: Starting to teach reading at 2 years on: September 08, 2016, 04:16:58 AM
I agree.  Don't force the learning.  Instead you want to work to cultivate the learning.   I didn't do baby reading with my first two.  I did start introducing reading strategies to them when they were three and two.    They are now 7 and 8, and I assume they read around a 5th  grade level.  I guess they might read higher levels, but we mostly do those higher levels as audiobook follow alongs.  My main goal is just cultivate a love for reading at this point.  They read a chapter book every day or every other day. 

Tips and strategies to cultivating learning:
-Teach to the child. What every way your child like to learn, go with it.  Do they love to sing and dance?  There are plenty of sing song videos out there that will introduce phonics and sight words. 
-By an HDMI cord that lets you flash the LR onto your TV screen.  This step is worth it. I have one for my iPhone to attach to the tv.   Take advantage of high chair time.  Let the child eat finger foods while doing LR.
-Limit TV time to only educational stuff.  I am not particular about the amount of screen time in the early stages as long as you choose the materials wisely.  Basically anything where the words are in clear bold lettering and are emphasized strongly aka Baby signing, Monki See, Bible Basics for Kids (Youtube), Your Child Can Discover, Meet the phonics, Meet the sight words, etc
-Apps that focus on phonics and sight words. 
-Label, label, label.  Label everything you can in your house.  Slowly add labels though for practicality and emphasize them everyday. 

Most of all don't get frustrated.  My daughter was about 4 when she began to read fluently on her own, and when that happen, it just took off.  She is my biggest reader, but it took two years before I saw any results from everything that we did.  Every child is different, and often times, they don't like to show what they know until they are ready.

Enjoy you early learning adventure!

10  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: We Can Do by Moshe Kai with guest Robert Levy discussing Saxon Math. on: August 10, 2014, 10:05:40 PM
My son is 6 and he should be finished with Saxon 4/5 by the end of this year or early next year.  I have all the books up to 7/6.  I plan to end with Saxon here though.  I like Harold Jacobs books for high school level math and I was also able to pick up Elementary Algebra (It's like 3 books in one: pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 and 2) and Mathematics: A Human Endeavor plus workbook for $20 all together.  I felt like I robbed a bank.  I am still on the hunt for Jacobs' Geometry but I think I have a couple of years to find it for a great deal.  Harold Jacobs does a wonderful job drawing a person into math in a fun and real way without being hokey like other textbooks.  Saxon is great for getting the rote memorization down and even number sense.  I am really seeing the benefits.   It does fall short in making math exciting sometimes.  Fortunately, my son finds what he has accomplished enough satisfaction, but I want the world of math to continue being exciting.  I hope it will be an easy transition from Saxon to Jacobs. 

Has anyone compared Jacobs to Saxon?  There are a few engineers who homeschool their kids in my area and they all seem to favor Jacobs over Saxon for high school math.  I would definitely be interested, Robert, to know if you have an opinion on Jacobs' math books. 
11  Parents' Lounge / Coffee Corner - General Chat / Kid updates on: April 26, 2014, 07:41:47 PM
It's been awhile since I have been up here.  I thought I give an update and I hope to hear some updates from anyone else.

Micah is 2 1/2  and he is doing great. He reads at a second grade level and he is learning his math facts now.  He is also learning to read Spanish now.  He is still obsessed with shapes and talks about them all day.   

Hannah is 4 and she is a fun challenge.  I have learn to keep her lessons separate from her brothers as she gets performance anxiety.  I want her to be happy where she is at but she thinks she needs to be at her older brother's level.  She is in 1st grade math and reading.  She still loves acting and putting on shows.   

Josiah just turned six and is my more athletic one.  He loves math too.  He is finishing up second grade math.  He reads at a third grade level.  He is enjoying learning the abacus as well. 

In the last year, the iPad has become our go to learning tool.  I want to share apps that are working for us and I hope to hear of apps that are working for everyone else.

Montessori math by les 3 Elle's - we have both the one digit and multiple digit app.  The one digit version has been a fantastic tool for Micah and Hannah.  The multi digit has been great for Josiah in giving him a concrete understanding of regrouping in subtraction and addition.

Addimals is great for teaching addition math facts to the kids.  The bummer is that they haven't come out with subtraction yet. 

Finger Math abacus is what I am using for Josiah and I reinforce it with Abacus Rush.   

Creature Math by PBS WildKrats:  this is okay practice in my book but it is a favorite of the kids especially by Hannah. 

Splash Math 2nd grade.  Josiah was in mammoth math but I couldn't print out worksheets so we end up doing this.  It has worked out fine.  It's very thorough and keeps reports on how they are doing in each chapter.  It doesn't really teach concepts thoroughly in my opinion, but I am okay with filling in the blanks.

Splash Math 1st grade.  I prefer Mammoth math but we just finished the last printed worksheet for Hannah.  We will have to get along with this and I am sure it will turn out just fine.  I just think MM does such a great job that I prefer it.  The kids prefer anything on the iPad over paper though so Hannah is happy to use this app. 

Todo telling time-a great app but no multiple user feature.  It's very fun for the kids and there are lots of baby steps into each concept more than I thought one could need.  It turns out great for Hannah as she likes this style of learning. 

Reading and spelling
Spellosaur and the webster spelling book list.  This is working out fine for us for spelling. 

Super Why Phonics Fair.  This has helped a lot with Hannah to be a more confident and happier reader.  She realized she could read more than she thought.  She would just get overwhelmed by too many words (more than three) on a page and would deny that she could sound the words out let alone read.   Thankfully she is reading whole books happily.

Little Reader for Spanish- really happy about this.  I wish Little Musician had an app because I don't have a computer anymore so we have lost out on using that. 


Not a fan of stack the states anymore.  I just doesn't fit my kids' learning style as they didn't really seem to be learning.  I use RoxyStar for Hannah and Micah and State Bingo and crossword for Josiah.  Lots more learning going on here.

LabelED is a new favorite and I use for both geography and science.  It is a neat customizable app.  You can take an image of a map or science diagram and add your own labels.  Then it connects those labels to Wikipedia for in depth learning at your kids fingers.  You can do several different kinds of quizzes to reinforce learning and it keeps a record of the quiz grades and progress.  The label pins and font are smaller than I like but other than that I have no other complaint.  This has been fun for learning about the skeleton, ancient Mesopotamia, and such. 

For Extra fun

Kodables and leapfrog robot game.

Teach me 1st and 2nd grade. They like this just for fun. 

Kiddzu sketch pad.  Fun step by step learn to draw app. 

Rocket speller plus for extra spelling fun. 

We will officially be keeping attendance for homeschooling this summer and I decided to try the homeschool helper app.  Anyone use this at all? 

Well that is what we are up to theses days.   So how is everyone else doing? 

12  The BrillKids Forum / Contests / Re: [WINNERS] BrillKids Summer Video Contest 2013 on: October 21, 2013, 04:25:42 PM
Congrats to everyone and thanks! 
13  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: FREE "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" eBook Doman Style on: October 11, 2013, 06:51:53 PM
A new book is finally up on construction vehicles.  I hope to continue this series.   I decided to keep it shorter than most construction vehicle books.  It still has about eight vehicles, but I want to actually finish a book before he gets up and leaves me.  LOL

Does anyone have this problem?   At bedtime, he will finish a book but any other point in the day he is too busy for me.   confused
14  Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Adolescence Revisited. Are we going backwards in society? on: September 27, 2013, 06:57:08 PM
This conversation reminds of this TED Talk by Jack Andraka who at 15 found a very cheap solution for testing patients for pancreatic.  If you watch his talk, you learn all the amazing obstacles he had to overcome including the stigma of his age.   
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

So what kind of family created this awesome, resilient kid?   Jane Andraka is his mother, and she did a nice Ted Talk on "HiJacking your kids' education." 
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.    In this talk, she talks about her oldest son, Luke, who won $96,000 in prizes at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in 2010, with a project that examined how acid mine drainage affected the environment (   How do two amazing kids come out of this family?   She talks about practical things that she did for her sons in the TED Talk.   In the wiki link above, she also states that she always had science magazines lying around, and they talked about the new ideas found in the articles and ways they could explore those ideas more or how they could do it differently. 

I truly believe we are babying our children, and Jane Andraka demonstrates the possibilities that we could provide our children in a world that treats children as babies.  There are many choices I can not make for my children because society has made them for me.  I can't let my kid walk to the library by themselves until they are twelve because the library requires a child to have parental supervision until they are 12.   

I can look for opportunities that are there for my children to do "grown up things" and Jane Andraka makes some great points on how to do this.    I love that she offers such practical advice.   Sometimes we get so wrapped up an idea, and then we are at a lost of what it looks like in the world we live in right now.  The Andraka family shows how to do this even in a public school format.  Here is another article with practical tips.

If you don't watch the first Ted Talk, you are really missing out (IMHO) because he really takes you step by step through his journey of how he accomplished something so amazing in a world that only sees him as just a kid.   His parents don't think that their children are geniuses or anything like that.  They seem to carry an attitude that all kids could be this amazing in the right environment.   This is very encouraging to me.   
15  EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: FREE "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" eBook Doman Style on: September 27, 2013, 02:08:26 PM
Thanks guys.  I fixed the link on The Flopsy Bunnies.   Sorry about that.   There is also a new science book talking all about what flowers do.   

I am working on some more fun books with very large font.   Hopefully I can get a couple up by next week.   You should see a fun transportation book soon.

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