I gained 60lbs during pregnancy! but luckily I have lost 45 of it already (it's been 7 weeks). I haven't done any exercise except I go up the stairs a lot in my house because I keep the diaper station upstairs. Recently I got a little more energy and walk more often, like maybe once a day, other than that I am still lacking the energy required to do anymore exercise than that. The only thing I do is breastfeed (via pumping) and low-carbing it. Check into Atkins, if you can actually do Phase 1 properly (which I haven't quite yet), you will drop weight fast. If you can't be that strict on carbs (Phase 1 requires <20carbs a day), try to just have less than 60 a day- that's what I do right now. I plan on jumping down to Phase 1 in a few weeks. In the meantime I where Spanx when I am trying to flatten things out