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EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Exchange Spanish/English vocabulary
on: April 14, 2014, 02:29:03 PM
Hello everyone! Here are a few phrases in Spanish "wild animals."
Los animales salvajes. Estos son los animales salvajes. Veo el leon. El leon dicen: «Grrr»! El leon tiene melena. El leon esta dormiendo. La jirafa esta alli. Que cuello mas largo tiene! Las patas son muy largas tambien! El elefante esta alli. Que orejas mas grandes tiene! Y que trompa mas largo tiene! Mira, el tigre. Que boca mas grandes tiene! El tigre tiene los rayas negras y amarillas. Mira, el oso! Es muy grande.
Parents' Lounge / For Guests - No Membership Required / Re: teaching Chinese for 4-years old boy
on: October 12, 2013, 04:09:42 PM
Ксения, я такая же мама как и вы, ничего не смыслящая в китайском ![yes]( У вас есть преподаватель-носитель, думаю это 60% успеха. Я о таком, пока, только мечтаю. А пока мечтаю - показываю своему карапузу видео на китайском. То, что по ссылке вверху и маленького Пима. Но, думаю, если в ближайшее время не найду носителя, прийдется бросить свою затею с китайским. Самостоятельно его освоить мне не представляется возможным. Успехов вам в занятиях!
Parents' Lounge / For Guests - No Membership Required / Re: teaching Chinese for 4-years old boy
on: October 11, 2013, 05:36:17 PM
Здравствуйте, Ксения. Если вы решите преобрести курс китайского то должны уже иметь английский и уже в него загрузить файлы по китайскому. Если вам интересно мое мнение, то вот оно: ваш ребенок уже "вырос" из этой программы. В качестве основы занятий ее будет не достаточно, а как дополнение L.R. вам отлично подойдет. Кстати, программу можно использовать не только для обучения чтению, но и для изучения ин-го языка вообще.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Exchange Spanish/English vocabulary
on: September 19, 2013, 07:28:37 AM
Hi nuria2012! I found the text. It was written in English and in Spanish. I am writing an English version for you here. Take your daughter and go to play on the playground. The playground Would you like to go on the slide? Come on, go up. Very good, sit down now. Hold on tight and go down! Let’s go to the swings! Shall I push you? There you go! Harder! Forward, back. Do youwant to stop? Let's make a sand castle. Here's the bucket. Here's the shovel. Fill the bucket with sand. Now flip it over. Pat it softly. - Tuk-tuk. Now lift the bucket. Slowly! How beautiful! Choose a mold to build the tower. Fill it with sand. Flip it very slowly. Take the rake and make path. Now, smooth it with your hand. Take the shovel and dig a moat. Don’t throw sand! Look! Here you have shells and stones to decorate the castle. What a beautiful castle!
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Exchange Spanish/English vocabulary
on: September 18, 2013, 07:07:20 AM
Yes, yes, yes! nuria2012, I agree with your every word! ![yes]( Fantastic - we can teach our children so many things with LR and this forum! This is indeed very exciting - to learn with your child. To see that he already knows more than you. Thanks for your help! I am happy that met you. Your text is very, very helpful to me. Suddenly, once you'd like to learn Russian - I can help you with great pleasure! Maybe, when you'll have time, you could write a few sentences how to play in the sandbox, swingin on the swings and slides down the slide.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Exchange Spanish/English vocabulary
on: September 16, 2013, 06:08:46 PM
nuria2012, оf course, I want it very much. ![yes]( Please write your text. I am very grateful to you. То find the necessary and correct sentences are not possible ![Sad]( . Only you can help. I agree with you that it is better doing an English linguistic immersion instead of teaching multilingual languages LO. But I took the risk to teach my LO Spanish even I do not know Spanish at all. I love the Spanish and want to learn it together with my LO.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Exchange Spanish/English vocabulary
on: August 28, 2013, 02:13:17 PM
Hi nuria2012. I hope you are well. I translated with the help of electronic translator few phrases. Could you check and correct their mistakes? Can you add some of your sentences? Thank you, you really helping me!
Usted estaba en la calle. Ahora sus manos están sucias. Es necesario lavarse las manos. Mira, es un lavabo. Abra la válvula. Mira, es el agua. El agua es cálida. Tome un poco de jabón para las manos. Así que lave su mano derecha. Ahora lávate la izquierda. Ahora enjuague sus manos con agua. Ahora tiene las manos limpias. Pero están mojados. Usted necesita las manos secas. Esta toalla. Eso es todo. Ahora tiene las manos limpias y secas. Podemos entrar en una habitación.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Exchange Spanish/English vocabulary
on: August 21, 2013, 11:11:58 AM
nuria2012, thank you very much for your text! I will use it today. I'm sorry, I can not write my own expressions in English because English is not my native language. I use the book, about which you wrote earlier. Thank you for the topic. It's great that our kids have the opportunity to learn foreign languages. Your daughter can read already ! Congratulations! It is really amazing!