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1  Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: being 13 weeks pregnant i feel alone on: May 03, 2014, 09:05:55 PM
I was the first out of all my friends to become pregnant at 16 years old. I had a beautiful baby boy when I 17. Things were so rough back then, more so than they are now. But that is what life is. I don't know who of you are religious but we are and things in life are sometimes supposed to be rough so later on you count your blessings and truly appreciate them.

Now I am 21 years old, with a total of 4 children and two on the way. My husband and I are so happy and so thankful for all of our blessings especially are children. Things still are not easy, my husband works out of town and it is hard to be away from each other, more so on him because he is not only away from me, but our babies as well. Things have been tough for a while, and things are starting to look up, him being able to come home daily, moving, and other things.

Most pregnancies are very different from each other. My first, I was sick non stop for 2 months, my second with our first set of twins, no morning sickness at all and overall pretty easier until I could barely walk towards the end. my third- I was sick non-stop, always dehydrated and had tons of back and pelvic pain throughout the entire pregnancy, but labor and delivering were easier than both other pregnancies. Now pregnant with our second set of twins and I have not had any morning sickness, a little back pain but no pelvic pain and surprisingly not gaining as much weight as fast as my last pregnancy.

Life throws us all, in all sorts of directions and in craziness and happiness. But life and our life choices lead us in the direction on the path God has  for us. Don't give up and always believe!

Everything has a purpose and there is a reason for everything even though sometimes we don't know what that reason might be  big grin
2  EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: Sparking interest when they get older on: December 11, 2013, 08:03:10 PM
Hey just wanted to say I looked into those big foam blocks, we're going to try those and we found these humongous lego pieces we are going to try with him too smile We also got him some more outdoor things. making stepping stones and stuff like that. THANK YOU!
3  EARLY LEARNING / Prenatal Education / Re: Prenatal Learning? on: December 11, 2013, 08:00:32 PM
I do not believe it to be absurd. I mean think about it, there were once people saying it was impossible, and absurd that babies can learn early...and look at this website. There are plenty of kids now with little reader, little math, and little musician. and they're all learning as babies. Something once though to be absurd is now a possibility and is in a lot of people's everyday lives.
4  EARLY LEARNING / Prenatal Education / Re: Prenatal Learning? on: December 10, 2013, 10:09:38 PM
I am trying to understand your meaning robbyjo, you have inconsistencies in which you're talking about. Which indeed is confusing us all about your true stance. You keep mentioning where is the proof for prenatal learning....Where is the proof that Baby Plus is harmful?

If something indeed were harmful than yes I agree it should not be used.

You talk about baby plus one second and then the concept of prenatal learning.
 You state music and meditation has little to no help towards an unborn baby, and then say that it does? Yor opinions keep opposing each other. Therefore I think is the trouble we are all having with trying to understand what you are truly saying.
5  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Infant Tummy Time on: December 10, 2013, 09:56:49 PM
I am definitely getting some of those wraps! Thank you!   smile    Love these santa hat smilies too! My nephew saw them sitting on my lap and wanted me to press every single one of them hahaha
6  EARLY LEARNING / Prenatal Education / Re: Prenatal Learning? on: December 10, 2013, 09:51:34 PM
First, apologies to sound a bit of disagreement here.

Scientifically, there is no proven prenatal education. Even the Baby Plus or the other belt or contraptions do not have scientific merit whatsoever. Baby Plus even dares to show a demonstrably fake "scientific" paper by an unknown author from an unknown journal. Worse yet, these devices could cause deafness in your baby. So, I would suggest you to stay away from all these.

Bonding techniques may work, but again, no scientific merit so far. Music or mediation has little to no effects to the unborn baby. Mental health might be beneficial and that might be influenced positively by meditation.

I think the scientifically sound way to "improve" the condition of your baby is through eating healthy and exercise.

Quote from: soccermom7573 on December 02, 2013, 02:03:47 PM

Respectfully I have to disagree with a couple of things you said Robbyjo. Meditation and music isn't just for babies comfort but mothers as well. You may be able to say "Scientific" all you want but babies are miracles from God and there is no science involves with a bond between mother and babies, born or unborn. Babies will respond to mother and fathers voices in the womb. My daughter responded to both of our voices when I was juts 5-6 months pregnant. At birth, every time we talked and she was awake she would turn straight to us, because she knew our voices.

I listened to gospel music and country music practically everyday of my pregnancy, and my husband and I sang songs as well. Even now, if there is gospel music or country music on, our daughter immediately relaxes, coos along with it and even relaxes enough to fall asleep to it at times.

You say there is no scientific way about bonding.....that's because not everything can be explained with science. The bond between a mother and a child has been present long before science ever was.

the scientific sound to "improve" the condition of your baby is through health and exercise....really. Yes ofcourse, eating healthy and exercising PROPERLY ONLY WHAT YOU'RE ABLE TO DO WITHOUT OVER DOING IT AND UNDER CONDITIONS OF A DOCTOR are healthy for an unborn baby. However, that is not all a baby needs is it.

Not believing in prenatal education, but you believe in science correct? So science has come and has even proven with ultrasounds that babies in the womb learn to grasp, suck their thumb at times, kick, breath, etc, Even if babies do not learn  in the womb how to count because there is no "scientific data" does not mean they are unable to do so. They listen to their mothers voice and the voices that are constantly around. They feel the touch of a hand on their mothers belly. And there is most certainly that bond between mothers and children in the womb and out.

(End Quote)

(Quote Robbyjo)

Firstly, I think you need to reread my comments: Nowhere did I say that music and mediation do not benefit the mothers. What I do object is "prenatal learning", which I think is absurd.

Secondly, your comment sounds like that it is either science or God, which implies that there is no godly scientist on earth. This is a false dichotomy. It is a very clear stance on your earlier post that got deleted. I hope you stop making such comments.

Thirdly, maternal bond is so far proven on the emotional health of the babies and the moms. There is some smattering evidence scientific that this is the case. However, nothing is known on the education front. Granted, emotional balance can propel learning, but that's a different story.

Fourthly, auditory organ is complete by 26-28 weeks (which means 6 months). Babies may respond to external voice or stimuli. However, calling it "learning" is a huge stretch.

Fifthly, let's say that science later can "prove" prenatal learning. Follow up questions still remain: What is the advantage academically vs. those who do not have such learning? What scope is the advantage? Which methods are beneficial? The existing "learning" hold the potential to harm the fetus.

That said, it is up to the parents to do meditation, music, or whatever approach. I think parents do have the rights to know what has been scientifically proven or not. To me, anecdotal evidence does not hold sway since I cannot ascertain that it is not a random chance. 

(End Quote)

(Quote soccermom7573)

Posted by: soccermom7573 

Insert Quote

I deleted that post myself so therefore there were no arguments about the topic. You so kindly stated why start a flame-war conversation. Then you started another topic starting one yourself. I am no longer going to reply to you, or your general idea of prenatal learning, seeming on the other thread you have changed your stance numerous times. It's obvious you believe in science alone. I however do not. My faith is God. Yes some science can be proven as stated in the other thread, that's great but my belief is still in God and that's where it will stay. I am going to respectfully agree to disagree for these conversations are not worth any further of my time. I wish you good luck and whether or not you take it may God bless you and your family and have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year!

(End Quote)

7  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Infant Tummy Time on: December 10, 2013, 03:18:19 PM
Skylark what do you mean by baby-wore? My husband and I have had a difficult time with out daughter and tummy time. We could probably put her on her tummy more than what we have  been doing I must admit. Any advice? When we hold her on our chest/ shoulders, she loves it even when we're laying down or walking around and she moves around trying to look at everything. But after a couple minutes with tummy time she get's fussy and crying.
8  EARLY LEARNING / Prenatal Education / Re: newly pregnant and need advice on: December 10, 2013, 03:12:13 PM
I deleted that post myself so therefore there were no arguments about the topic. You so kindly stated why start a flame-war conversation. Then you started another topic starting one yourself. I am no longer going to reply to you, or your general idea of prenatal learning, seeming on the other thread you have changed your stance numerous times. It's obvious you believe in science alone. I however do not. My faith is God. Yes some science can be proven as stated in the other thread, that's great but my belief is still in God and that's where it will stay. I am going to respectfully agree to disagree for these conversations are not worth any further of my time. I wish you good luck and whether or not you take it may God bless you and your family and have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year!
9  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Hello Everyone on: December 10, 2013, 02:57:34 PM
Hello nice to meet you   smile
10  EARLY LEARNING / Parents of Children with Special Needs / Re: Sparking interest when they get older on: December 10, 2013, 01:17:08 AM
Hey Lori, thank you for all you have shared. I am relieved that there are others that still work hard for their children with disabilities. You would not believe how ,any people have walked up to us in the park and just asked, "What is wrong with him?" I always get infuriated, But I simply say nothing is wrong with him he is just a little extra special. One woman even asked me if I wished he were different, a normal teenager. I told her I would have a heart attack before I wished that, he is perfect in my eyes and I wouldn't change him for the world. Yes it would be easier, more brother and sister fighting probably, but I love him just the way he is.

My daughter loves smiling at him and grabbing his finger it's adorable.

Unfortunately, he doesn't talk, can't hear and doesn't have the best motor skills. He is still a bit wobbly with walking but still does pretty good. He doesn't understand the concept of binoculars even if we were to show him he doesn't have any real interest with things unless they move and light up. Like big toy romote trucks, the big foot that flips and stuff, loves swings. He doesn't care for building things. And he would put legos in his mouth Sad  Sad    Just this year we finally got him interested to try to decorate eggs. The other day I got him to sit on the floor with my husband, our daughter and I. And he played with the light up moving ball she has. He kept lighting it up for her and pushed it towards her as she kicked it. After about 15 minutes he was bored and got up on the couch to watch t.v. Like you I don't like to think of limitations, but unfortunately with him there are quite a bit. But we're still going to think positive and try as much as we can. He loves going to the park, swimming (with someone there holding on to him, he doesn't swim just kind of floats) And in a couple days my husband and I are taking him, our daughter, my other little brother, and our nephew out to Mosi   smile Hoping for lots of fun!!!!

I will definitely look into those books. Thank you again so much Lori!!
11  EARLY LEARNING / Prenatal Education / Re: Prenatal Learning? Excuse me? on: December 07, 2013, 06:02:17 PM
I agree
12  EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Readeez sale. Dec. 6 - 7, 2013 on: December 07, 2013, 01:00:35 AM
That's awesome thank you!
13  Parents' Lounge / Forum Games / Favorite thing about Christmas time! on: December 06, 2013, 09:55:38 PM
From making lists, buying what's on your children's "To Santa" letters, to cleaning up after a wonderful meal and getting ready for New Years. What is your favorite thing about Christmas time?

Mine would have to be watching the kids faces unwrap their gifts and taking pictures of the precious moments that seem to go by so swiftly. I also love cooking for the family
14  EARLY LEARNING / Prenatal Education / Re: Prenatal Learning? Excuse me? on: December 06, 2013, 09:44:02 PM
Robbyjo, I was referring to the previously mentioned comment on another thread which you had mentioned that it was ridiculous. the same comment where you mentioned about the only healthy stimulation for unborn baby was through exercise and eating right. Which yes I do agree that eating right and exercise PROPERLY UNDER DOCTOR'S SUPERVISION is a high priority when conceiving, pregnant, and post-pregnancy, and through breastfeeding as well.

I must also say I agree, that having commercial products as well for something that has not been tested, nor having the adequate possible harmful (or helpful) effects to a fetus is wrong to have advertised if it was not fully tested and things questionable about the product is just a guess, rather than fact. Putting something that could be potentially harmful to the baby, or the mother is absurd and should not be done.
15  EARLY LEARNING / Prenatal Education / Re: Prenatal Learning? Excuse me? on: December 06, 2013, 03:51:12 PM
One mention that "we must find out the physical explanation to advance our understanding about what is behind the scene... Then why were you so swift at first to deny that unborn babies have the ability to learn?

I brought up the big bang theory only because yes it is a theory, yet everyone is so quick to believe it despite how to some people it sounds. Ideas were based off of the theory and so on and so forth, so why is the theory that babies can learn in the womb so hard to accept if something like the big bang theory is so widely accepted for it's also a theory.

And Skylark, I never knew that about how DS was caused, that is wonderful information and thank you for sharing I am glad to have learned more about it.

Mama of Will, I agree about all the feelings, it's like a wonderful rush of overwhelmed feelings. My husband kept trying to ask me how I'm feeling, it's like pain...but SOOOO HAPPY! LOL that's pretty much the only words I could tell him at the time. He was a wreck about how much pain I was in but afterwards, I told him I'd do it again in a second! I can't wait for the twins to be born! he's going to be a wreck again and I in pain but the funny thing is, I can't wait for it! Lol
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