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Parents' Lounge / Coffee Corner - General Chat / Re: what do you do for a living?
on: April 22, 2009, 12:14:26 PM
Hi I am an engineer by profession, left the job to take care of our son. That was the toughest and now the happiest decision I ever made. Now that he is a little older I have started working freelance...looking forward to join back sometime next year when he starts schooling.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: SOS - When to expect results ???
on: April 21, 2009, 10:21:07 AM
Hi Dorer,
Most boys who are slow to use words end up being just fine. If your child seems to understand everything you say, is able to make his needs known, seems to play normally, and can do other things at an age-appropriate level, then I don't think you need to worry. By age three or so, he'll almost certainly catch up with his more talkative peers. Also I would suggest that you don't test your child, and just continue with the program of one language. Children can learn a foreign language till they 5-10 years old. So I think its better you start off with math program as the 'window of oppurtunity' closes by 30 months. My son is bilingual from birth and now listens to 3 languages everyday, we speak English, grandparents speak our native language, and he watches programmes in English and Hindi, our official language. He speaks English in sentences of 2 or 3 words, seems to understand the other languages. Don't make your son do anything he refuses as this will put unwanted stress on him as well as you and he will associate learning with stress or something that makes parents unhappy. This will lead him to be non cooperative with your efforts. So carry on with the reading schedules and have faith that he will catch up. Also keep learning fun. I would also suggest that you concentrate on 1 language at this time and talk to him as much as possible, be narrative of his daily activities, and encourage to speak. I think he will do fine. Please don't worry about results. All children are unique with their own set of skills. All will learn at their own pace.
Hope this helps anjie
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Which was your baby's first word?
on: April 21, 2009, 09:24:11 AM
Hi Joha.. I know how you will be feeling, even I have wondered about this!! From my personal experience I can say that by babbling your child is practicing different sounds, rhythms, and intonations of speech. Unfortunately, your baby's first words will be spoken in a foreign language-at least foreign to you!!! If you can understand what your baby means by her vocal sounds, then that's language! She has communicated an idea to you using the sound of her voice alone. The first word the baby's speak will be about the objects that are most important to her: the people, objects, that excite her or makes her happy. By the time your baby speaks a single word or two, she will probably understand dozens of others. I think this gap between her understanding and her ability to verbalize will continue up until she is 2 or more depending on how fast she catches up with speaking the language. As for my child, he started off by saying Acha (father) at around 4 months but no it has gone mute..During those days I used to think what he was saying But within weeks he said "Acha" properly. So you should be happy that she has told her first word " mama" and continue talking to her. Babies catch up spoken language by listening. Also don't worry if you don't find a steady stream of words once your baby has spoken her first. Your child will pick up new words slowly for several more months and most probably it will be of objects visible and tangible to her. Hope this helps, anjie
Parents' Lounge / Introduce Yourself / Re: hello
on: April 20, 2009, 06:10:54 PM
Hi Welcome to the forum. As far as I know Daddude and trinitypapa are here. I think you will be able to know more of them as other members catch up to your post. Howz your baby? Have you started any early learning methods?
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / How do early learners fare at school?
on: April 20, 2009, 10:41:28 AM
Hi all I have come across this article while surfing net about early learning methods. I will skim it up. The article states that early learners, though will seem to have an advantage on starting their schooling, will lose it when they are 5 years old. Their ability will even out as other kids catch up. On the initial years they may be even thought of having ADD, as whatever they will be learning, will already be known to them , and so they will pay little attention to the class. These kids will also lack in friends, will at times be thought as bossy, know-it-all, and so will lose an oppurtunity to have a normal childhood.
I am a strong believer of early learning methods. If the above is true, I wouldn't want any of these happen to my kid. I am sure none of you will either want it. That makes me think that along with early learning methods we should also impart a set of good character in kids, the first one being humble. We should also make them understand that whatever knowledge they have should always make them understand that there is so much left to learn. Never to make fun of anybody's ignorance. They should also have good spiritual side and moral sense. If we are able to impart all these then we can be sure that we are nurturing them to be successful personalities.
Anybody who followed early learning methods have their kids in elementary school? How do they fare? What are your thoughts on the matter?
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child to Read / Re: posting word cards on the wall
on: April 20, 2009, 09:24:20 AM
Hi I have posted around 10 words from YBCR starter DVD on the wall, high up, covered with a piece of paper. At times I just take my kid in my arms and we go around playing peek-a-boo with the words. I keep it fun and he likes this. It acts as sort of review. I change the words now and then with another set or shuffle them. I make sure that he just has a glance of the words, so that I don't have to worry of over exposure. It has been going on fine till now.