We have several thousand home-made "Bits of Intelligence" that we made for our daughter when she was on the Doman program. These are all very nice bits (my wife is an architect/graphic artist, and VERY picky!) and in excellent (but used) condition. Mounted on 11x11 board,
not laminated. Pretty much every subject/category you can think of. I hate to think of the number of books, calendars, etc. that we searched down, bought and cut up to produce all of these cards. For any of you who have made bits yourself, you understand just HOW MUCH TIME it takes to make bits; if you have not yet made any bits yourself you need to do so, and decide if that is something that is a good use of your time.
We are currently inventorying the bits, and once I have the specifics I will post. But with ~5000+ bits to go through it might take awhile!
I have attached some photos that show what one of the bits look like. Unfortunately this is as many as I can post here, but I can send more photos if you'd like to see them. We made the printing on the back of the bits large so we could also use them for our daughter's reading program. I have also placed photos of a much larger selection on my Picasa page at
https://plus.google.com/photos/104708549197199124567/albums/6040126887686532337?banner=pwa, hopefully this will be useful.
We are going to break these up into groups of 50-200 cards for sale, but would be happy to sell larger quantities. Up to 150-160 will fit into a large USPS flat-rate box ($17.45 shipping), lesser quantities will fit into smaller flat-rate boxes (a bit cheaper). Larger quantities will be shipped at actual cost by shipper of your choice. Happy to send photos of some of the cards if you want to see them.
Price for these bits is -
50 or less - $1/ea
51-100 - $.80/ea
More than 100 - $.75/ea
Plus actual shipping costs. Or free pick up, we are located in the Seattle area.
If anyone is interested in buying a really large quantity we will reduce the price further, please contact us if this is of interest to you.
Tom or Sue - 425-455-9064
[email protected]