« Reply #77 on: July 23, 2009, 05:00:38 AM » |
Hey guys! I was just wondering if we can make a list of all the things and other parents can share then together we can do all the encyclopedic knowledge together. What I mean is that we make a list and beside each list we write down who will be doing it .Then together with all the brains combined we can come up with everything and it won't even take so much of our time but we will have everything. we can cover lots of subjects like: Geography island river bay, lake, desert, gul delta,volcano, glacier etc vertebrates in vertebrates plant king dom Botnay : different flowers and then we can highlite different parts of them to show patels, stamens, pistil, sepal,corolla etc with different flowers we can do the same with leaves show blade , margin, apex, base, primary vein, secondary veins,petiole, auxiliary,bud ,stem etc we can show the details so they can see the details. samething goes for inventors show vocabulary cards such as bolted and run so they can see it is the same thing but there is another way to say it. Basically what I am saying that together we can achieve alot and it will not cost so much and we can have everything. have the great composers in music and we can record their famous music so it will be pleasent to remember for the kids this way they will remember what kind of music they play as well as their name and picture. I will make the list and every one is welcome to add their thoughts regarding it. please let me know . thanks