We are making Bible EK course in Little Reader. We have just started, but are on course of creating Bible people, places, events, miracles, books and history

I ve been doing that with physical cards, but it is so much easier to do it in Little Reader, and now with the new options of creating your own course, it makes it so easy to not just present EK sets, but also put them together in a course with review cycles!
I've been doing it with geography and now working on chemistry, US states and Bible EK. With Bible EK we just starting, but we can always collaborate. So if anyone is interested in collaborating, let me know and we can see how we can do it together. The awesome thing about doing it in LR, is that
1) we can all share it super easily
2) We can collaborate on making the categories and sets
3) we can make it available to many others
4) it is possible to print out the sets from LR if needed
5) easy to organize in course and review cycle
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