Well, you could do whichever one you would be more interested in persuing. You could just try one for this week and then next wek you can change if you'd like.
For art what you can do is choose an artist and then take 5 of his or her works and for each one fill in the blanks on this template. This is my absolutely favorite website for doing this (
http://www.wga.hu/) you can search by artist and they will show all of their works. You can then click to see beautiful enlarged copies of the work as well as essays detailing information about the piece. Then you just create a document (see some of the previous uploads for examples) and copy and paste the picture on one page followed/preceeded by the programs of intelligence.
Here is a sample:
Division: Art
Category: Great Art Masterpieces
Set: Great Art Masterpieces of Name of Artist
Bit of Intelligence: Name of Masterpiece
1st Magnitude: The _________ was painted by ___________.
2nd Magnitude: The ________ was painted in ___________(location).
3rd Magnitude: What type of work is it.
4th Magnitude: The subject of the work.
5th Magnitude: Some details of the work.
6th Magnitude: When the work was done/how long it took to complete.
7th Magnitude: What technique was used.
8th Magnitude: An anecdote about the work.
9th Magnitude: Where is the work today.
10th Magnitude: Some information about the artist.
You could also create bits on different artists although that might fall more into history than art.
For language, I believe, (I'm at work now and can't consult my book to check) that what you do is choose a category (like fruit, things around the house, family members...) and then each bit is an item (like an apple). Then for the 10 divisions of knowledge you list how to say the word in 10 diferent languages (i.e. English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese...) But, I have never made cards in that category, so I am just speculating from distant memory. Maybe someone else knows for sure, or I can confirm when I get home tomorrow.
If you have any other questions let me know.