i Learn Faster

Posts: 31
Karma: 6
Exclusive Accelerated Learning Materials for Children
« on: February 25, 2012, 11:12:09 PM » |
Super Flash Accelerated Learning Games for Children: Animals From Around the WorldiPad app for children aged 6 mths - 12 yearsGET THE FREE APP HEREhttp://itunes.apple.com/us/app/accelerated-learning-flashing/id491856699?ls=1&mt=8      | Imagine your child able to instantly memorize then accurately recall hundreds of objects, their names and unique facts about them with lightning speed. All this and more your children can develop with this early learning Super Flash memory game!
This unique and fun animal games flash cards app was developed by the makers of the multiple award-winning Memory Magic Super Flash CD games. It utilizes unique accelerated learning methods inspired by experts in whole-brain education and child development.
Super Flash is excellent for almost any age or learning ability and have made an excellent early learning companion for many teachers and parents around the world.
- -Instant object/word/sound association and recognition
- -Photographic memory and rapid memory recall
- -Encyclopedic knowledge and vocabulary
- -Stronger right and left brain connections (whole brain learning)
- -Increased self-esteem and positive attitude
- -Ability to learn any school subject faster and better (speed learning)
- -Children learn about common and unusual animals and creatures from around the world using properly designed speed learning methods
- -Five categories of objects (separate apps): Animals From Around the World, Foods From Around the World, Sports Equipment and Games, Musical Instruments, and Tools and Instruments. Collect all five!
- -Uses clear brilliant photographic objects with no background (best for brain development and memory retention)
- -Play using one or more of the following flashing methods: Objects, names, audio names, audio facts
- -Find game (helps activate instant memory recall)
- -Auto-scoring
- -1-4 player mode
- -Play objects from one set or random from all sets (90 objects)
- -1-10 flashing items per round
- -Fast-play instructions
- -Viewable/printable instructions for playing these games in many different ways
- -Information about this accelerated learning method
- -Two sizes of 180 printable playing cards with interesting facts on the backs
- -Printable game charts to log your child's learning progress
- -Five printable accelerated learning award certificates to present to your children as they excel with the games
AWARDS (CD version of same game):
- “Top Choice Award” Boston Museum of Science®
- “Excellence in Education” Education Clearing House®
- “Perfect 10” GameZone’s® KidZone®
- “All Green Lights” National Institute on Media and the Family®
GET THE FREE APP http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/accelerated-learning-flashing/id491856699?ls=1&mt=8
MORE INFORMATION http://www.acceleratedlearningmethods.com/SuperFlash/
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 11:48:06 PM » |
Awesome! This will be much better for my family than the cd rom! How long until the rest get to I pad? Thank you!!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2012, 05:51:43 AM » |
This is fantastic! I ordered the MemoryMagic software a few days ago and this will make a great complement...I have already found that when she finds a corresponding App on the IPad, her enthusiasm for using the same program on the computer grows exponentially! Thanks so much and can't wait for the rest.
Alex\'s YouTube Channel: BabyBibliophile 
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2012, 11:28:19 AM » |
Oh great that's just around the corner! We will definitely get them all. My three kids ( ok I confess and I  ) had such fun with this app today we unlocked the rest within 20 minutes  . They were actually fighting over it and asking if it was on the iPod or phone yet! Personally I was surprised at how good they got at it in such a short space of time. I know the cd roms will be popular now, it's sitting at the post box waiting for me to pick it up tomorrow.
i Learn Faster

Posts: 31
Karma: 6
Exclusive Accelerated Learning Materials for Children
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2012, 04:11:52 PM » |
I had a mother contact me who was over at her friend's home - another mother with seven children ranging in ages 5-18. She started the 5 year old with Super Flash and then the other children started coming over to see what he was playing. Within a half hour all 7 children were playing Super Flash which she said lasted for over 3 hours and they weren't arguing or fighting. She said she has never seen these children do anything for any amount of time without fighting or arguing over something.
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2012, 02:20:22 AM » |
Lol well mine were fighting over who's tern it was next! They were all so keen to play..it probably didn't help that I had some doing homework and some playing the app....  I have a car full (7) kids for the morning school run and they were all eager to have a play, we actually had to wait in the car park till the last kid finished, we missed morning assembly and nearly missed roll call.  But I am sure they learnt more in the car park today then they will in their morning session at school anyway!
i Learn Faster

Posts: 31
Karma: 6
Exclusive Accelerated Learning Materials for Children
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2012, 02:35:10 AM » |
Don't forget to check "Facts" on the Game Options screen. Your children will hear some very interesting facts about each of the creatures being flashed. There's a different fact each time the same object is flashed! Soon they can become walking encyclopedias! Enjoy 
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2012, 03:45:00 AM » |
I hope "Follow the Dot" is also released as an app soon! I just started using my Memory Magic CD-ROM and I haven't been able to play Follow the Dot because every time I click on a level number, the program freezes.
i Learn Faster

Posts: 31
Karma: 6
Exclusive Accelerated Learning Materials for Children
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2012, 05:12:56 PM » |
It sounds like you have the old version of Follow That Dot. Here's a link to download the new upgrade. The old version is incompatible with the new computer java script upgrade downloads. The new upgraded Memory Magic CDs a larger format, have new features too. Here's the link to new Follow That Dot upgrade: Just save this on your desktop. You don’t need a web browser to play this version: http://www.acceleratedlearningmethods.com/NewFollowThatDot.zip
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2014, 09:58:54 PM » |
Is this app still available? I can't seem to be able to locate it. Thanks!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 10:16:23 AM by Mandabplus3 »
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2014, 10:24:39 AM » |
Hmm I can't find it. Anyone else? I already own them and I searched everything I could find key word wise. I am having some issues with the. App Store so maybe its a problem at my end. The apps should show up if you search "super flash" or "Mercury" or "memory magic" but I got nothing but white screen.
i Learn Faster

Posts: 31
Karma: 6
Exclusive Accelerated Learning Materials for Children
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2014, 09:26:08 PM » |
Hello, This is Brad Davis from Mercury Learning Systems LLC, maker of Super Flash... Thank you for your messages. The apps are not available anymore but we're planning to re-introduce them some point in the future. A release date has not been established. We will post a message on this forum when that date arrives. Thank you again for your inquiry.

Posts: 49
Karma: 3
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2014, 02:19:36 AM » |
Thank you, Brad Davis, for responding. We will be looking forward to your update.

Posts: 21
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« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2014, 05:16:02 AM » |
Wow this sounds great! Most flash card programs are too slow and have lots of confusing background details. I look forward to the new release, please do keep us informed! Thank you :-)