Well the Kodak printer I have is the Kodak 3250
The ink for us runs about $20 for both color and black together. Pretty good since other printers are about that much for a single color alone.
I've used Lexmark and HP and the cost for ink just about killed us when it came to buying it. It usually cost us about $50 for both color and black. I used to have to put our printer on draft to try and save yet I was lucky if it lasted us a month.
I've never really counted to see how much I get out of our Kodak Printer. But I know I can print quite a bit and have it last at least 2 months at the least and I've had it last 3 or 4 months before having to replace ink. Just depends on how much printing I do. We do a lot here.

Tha'ts definitely more than any other printer I've ever used.
If you print here and there the ink should last you a very long time before having to be replaced on a Kodak printer.