You'll find a lot of people on this forum with a relatively less successful math program. The IAHP Math Program is one EL purchase that didn't deliver. I recall reading somewhere that Doman himself made a remark on how the institute's math program isn't as widely successful as the reading program. Doman math clicks for some but from the looks of it, doesn't for a lot.
In terms of what I did, I kept at it. I tried different programs [Shichida, Marshmallow, Jones Genius, Starfall, Peter Whetherall DVDs, Tweedlewink, several math videos on youtube, worksheets from Brain Quest & Scholastic PreK/K books, used blocks/other manipulatives to help add/subtract, counting with objects/anything that we come across in daily life, read many math concept books (e.g., Math Start series), and possibly many other things I can't recall. Either my 25 mo old has a math "fatigue" or I can't seem to figure out his level to make math lessons more challenging or both. There are some great threads on this forum on toddler math. The other resources I plan on using in the future include Mathtacular DVDs and the MEP math curriculum ( which happens to be free btw). Some people used Singapore Math with success.