I have a 26th month and we have started more math. I use the method of using old recycled milk lids to count to add more or take away are the words that I use. I have a worksheets printed from
www.tlsbooks. com i think that I use. They have simple math worksheets. We use the milk lids, foam big beads, plastic cars, or animals and we add more or take away. It takes some time but the child will understand if you use words that they already know like more, and take away. We also use a dry erase board to write the problem with a box for the answer. We also use felt teddy bears and a matt to add the teddy bears up that equals the number of the card. You can also use big foam dice, and then make the number with pretzels or so on. on youtube there are some great hands on videos some are montesorri but they still work for us. Anything hands on we love. Also you could get a platic container place a couple of m&m's or round cereal balls etc in it and seal it up, allow the child to count each one as he/she eats, we are taking away the cereal. This is fun! I hope this helped?