Thank you for alerting us to this very interesting program (love the fact that it is also in French since we are bilingual). I added it to my links to try 'just in case' we would hit a snag along the way.
No matter which program you choose, and especially when a child is cognitively well ahead of his age, you will have to make adaptations and use manipulatives for young children, so they get the concepts. You CAN teach 1st grade math to a two year old, but you cannot ask questions as if you were talking to a six year old. You should also adjust your expectations regarding how your child will answer: a child younger than two or two and a half might do better by pointing between two choices, for instance. Even with an older child, I think it is important to present the same information in more than one way, so I would not use only one program, no matter how good it is.
Rivka at or