I'll pass on all the comments on the mind maps & all, but I HAD to comment on the CHinese learning math better than Americans
(even though it's past midnight for me)
I am a math teacher by profession & I am living and teaching (not math :-) )in China, & i know chinese system of education.very well
(I don't want to sound like I know it all, & I don't want to put a wet blanket on the findings of ppl workign from a different perspective, just to share my experience:-) .)The reason chinese learn math better than americans is NOT because of the language , but because of the expectations & the amount of input these kids get ( btw, when you get into larger numbers, it's really confusing, they use a four digit system, MUCH harder to work with) - in American schools they still cut & paste in second grade & add to 20?, in chinese schools in the second grade they are given a week to have the whole times tables pat down, whatever the cost & they see no daylight if they don't, they spend every break in a 7:30 AM TO 4:30 pM school day doing drills until they do have it down. Chinese kids are in additional classes & grueling homework every evening & weekend! In summer they all sign-up for TONS of extra classes!!! My work quadripples during holidays! If American or any language kids did the amount of the the chinese kids do - I have no doubt they'd have no trouble calculating
Another thing - a lot of their math learing is done with very little understanding, but mainly by rote memorization & in-humane drill work (i heard Japan is very similiar? is that true?)
I know for sure in Russian,where they produce some of the greatest mathematical minds & the requirements are very high in schools, they have no problems with math learing
now that i got it out
... i don't think it's fair to compare the very relaxed, laid back, take-it-slow, creative American system of education & the Chinese grueling drilling - you get what you pay for
I see first hand how bad the chinese kids are hurt through their system, because their creative & problem-solving abilities are seriously impaired; but I veyr strongly believe our little ones can know & learn so much more! There are beautiful resources ( I personally really liked what I saw of the Jones Genius,, Abacus programs are a great tool, etc.) & we really should give our kids much. much more than the public school system does, in a much warmer (psycologically/spiritually) & logical/practical, & deeper way (intellectually). it really pays off - speakign from personal experince with some of my "babies" in high school
God bless you, dear dedicated parents out there, I really admire you!!!