I did Shichida with my son when he was around 2 years old. It was a pain! We used the Little Math software. Any parents who wanted to start teaching this method, please do so before your baby starts walking.
Anyway, 65-day program is actually quite simple but calling it "65 day" is misleading. This is actually a 65x4-day program so there are 260 days of lessons in total.
Circle 1 - Day 1 -9, flash 1-50
Circle 1 - Day 10 -54, equations
Circle 1 - Day 55-65, I call it the testing period.
Circle 2 - Day 1-9, flash 51-100
Circle 2 - Day 10 -54, equations (the exact same set as circle 1)
Circle 2 - Day 55-65, I call it the testing period.
Circle 3 - repeat Circle 1
Circle 4 - repeat circle 2
That's it! You are done. 260 days of pain and lots of repetition. I have no clue if my son had learned anything but I do know one thing. Teaching math to young baby is like giving him Flintstones' gummy vitamins. I don't really see the clear results like teaching him to read but I know it's good for him and I kept doing it. (giving him the super math vitamins, that is!).