Welcome back!
Thank you for answering my questions on the other threads. And the videos are amazing! I personally wish you would create more videos and a Soroban kit
with instructions and a suggested schedule or videos (similar to Doman kits); and even offer classes online via either skype or wiziq. And then give homework for parents to work with their children.
The Table of Contents of the Year 1 book from nutureminds.com curriculum (from Malaysia):
Unit 1: Know your abacus, page 1
Unit 2: Numbers 0 - 10, page 8
Unit 3: Addition with the highest total of 10, page 36
Unit 4: Subtraction within the range of 10, page 56
Unit 5: Numbers up to 20, page 72
Unit 6: Addition with the highest total of 18, page 82
Unit 7: Subtraction within the range of 18, page 94
Unit 8: Numbers up to 100, page 104
* * *
Year 1 Activity Book is the same as above with additional Enrichment Activities A - F.
And I will post TOC for Year 2 soon.
It looks pretty self explanatory and the pictures are fun and similar to the online demo from Aloha:
http://www.alohama.com/alohama/demo/and it has exercises along with sections to 'imagine seeing XXX" to prepare them for mental calculations; and then the workbook which reinforces the lesson with additional exercises.
But it is unclear how long a lesson is, how many pages is minimum; although I did receive a response via email that 30 minutes day practice is good and 1 lesson per week, with the book begin completed in a maximum of 1 calendar year.
This is why I like the 'guidelines' from the Doman kits; for reading: 5 cards to a set, 5 sets maximum per day shown 2 - 3x per day, with a schedule for retiring and introducing new words or number cards, etc.
I just need instructions that I can follow - and repetion for mastery is not a problem for me, because we already practice this concept with learning Qur'anic recitation and memorization, which requires perfection before moving forward to the next lesson.
Another idea, create .ppt presentations or LM learning sets and we purchase them for download. Shall I suggest it to KL?