Some general comments, it sounds like she lacks one-to-one correspondence. There are little things that you can do to really work on that skill and it won't require any new products. When you are counting, touch each item.
If you are counting dots, [ o o o o ] then count with your child like this: Touch the 1st dot
o and say "one dot", touch the next o and say "two dots" o "three dots" o "four dots". There are 4 dots: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Basically just count in a way that clarifies that:
o is one dot.
o o is two dots
o o o is three dots
o o o o is four dots, and so one
When you are reading picture books, count pictures on the page.
When you are reading Number books, count each item one by one and say "One THING, Two THINGS, Three THINGS...Seven THINGS" where "THING" is the object being counted and when you get to the last one, say "There are 7 THINGS".
One of the members of this forum (Korrale, maybe?) wrote on their blog a short series:
How and Why I Taught My Tot Math and if I remember correctly, she addresses people in exactly your position. Parents of children who come to a stalling point after LM and/or Doman.