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Author Topic: What are you doing with your 2 year olds for math?  (Read 70475 times)
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« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2012, 06:02:40 PM »

I personally disagree about rightstart staring at a first grade level. I may have adapted it a little, but it is well suited for my son. I don't follow the script but I take the premise of the lessons.
I have some video somewhere I will see if I can post it here.


JJ: 5 years old.
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« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2012, 06:50:30 PM »

Thank you for the comment!  I should have been more clear - their website claims that the the Level A starter kit is for children age 5 and up.  Like most parents on this site, I don't put too much faith in suggested ages.  But I wondered if most parents using Rightstart with toddlers had any trouble or had to adapt heavily to start younger.  Some programs use concepts as illustrations that are too advanced for my 20-month-old, like talking about school or just using words that are too hard.  I wanted to know if anyone had any problems like that with Rightstart.  Thanks for letting me know that you didn't!


Full-time Mom to Andrea, born Oct 2010, Sara, born July 2012, Timothy, both June 2014, and Gideon, born November 2016.
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« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2012, 06:59:41 PM »

I actually jumped onto rightstart because I remember reading somewhere on their site that it very easily adapted to younger children. Most compaines would say that.
There is a placement test too. And there are sample lessons so you can see how simple the early lessons are. I expect to spend several years going through RS. My son is 2.5.


JJ: 5 years old.
Math:  CLE2, Singapore 2A, HOE, living math books.
Language Arts: CLE2
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Independent Reading: Half Magic, Boxcar Children, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
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Americana: Liberty\'s Kids, Complete Book of American History, Story of Us.
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« Reply #33 on: June 08, 2012, 09:59:08 PM »

We currently have 2 toddler math threads going...Thought I would add my videos here also. Below is a link to some videos of math fun that I do with James aged from 25-29 months.


JJ: 5 years old.
Math:  CLE2, Singapore 2A, HOE, living math books.
Language Arts: CLE2
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Independent Reading: Half Magic, Boxcar Children, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
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« Reply #34 on: June 15, 2012, 07:51:14 AM »

I prepared many hundred charts with colorful patterns for my toddler. I was mainly inspired by Marshmallow Math (focus on counting), Montessori ( finding symmetry, patterns, etc.) and Right Start Math (chunking by five's). These are best used if laminated with a chart on one side and the corresponding questions on the other. You can download the file below. Please let me know what do you think so we can improve them!


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« Reply #35 on: June 15, 2012, 08:57:23 AM »

Cool! Thanks. I was looking for a good hundreds chart for the wall, didn't like any I found. Yours will be perfect. To make them perfect I think the count by 3,6,9 one might be a bit complicated, with all the different CPU ours. I was thinking if the darker ones were first ( then defending CPU our intensity)  it might be easier to follow. but that's just my opinion...


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« Reply #36 on: June 15, 2012, 09:34:47 PM »

We also tried lots of hundreds charts until we found this one:

It is actually a pocket chart with 100 transparent plastic sleeves for the numbers to fit it- the coolest thing is that it comes with number cards in different colors, so say you want to teach skip counting? Swap the colors of the numbers you want to focus on! Right now we have it set up with red numbers to mark fives and bile colors for tens..
It is a nice size with the insertible cards on tagboard that are about 2 in by 2 in...

It has been utterly fantastic for teaching number concepts and we have created  a ton of games... Hint, take them all out, mix them up, and let the kiddos put them back together...Alex recognized patterns from this without me having to show her that I probably would have mucked up if I had tried a lesson on is very much a math lab.
We also take them all out and play a family game with it. Start at zero, take turns rolling a die and 'adding or subtracting' to that number--a much more basic version of this was used to teach counting on...

We also put quantity cards in them that are sold separately if you want to change it up a bit

Right now she likes the RS Abacus and tallying so much that ( after a kiddie party where she discovered 'Pin the Tail' and BEGS for it!) we turn her around with her eyes closed, she pins a little sticker on the chart, and after looking, shows me that number on the Abacus...

Anyway, take a look if you are interested...


Alex\'s YouTube Channel: BabyBibliophile
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« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2012, 04:14:37 PM »

I thought of the same thing too. The 3,6,9 chart is quite complicated. I'll try to edit the file and post it as  .doc instead of .pdf, so anyone can adjust the colors and make more charts.

@ Keri,
Thanks for the link! Actually, I was also inspired by this chart to make mine (in addition to RS, Montessori & Marshmallow Math). Also, it has been on my Amazon wish list for a while LOL. I like the Learning Resources material in general (We have the number line 1-20 recommended by Dr. Jones and we're having so much fun running forward and backward on it: ). As of now, I don't think my almost 21 mos toddler can use the pocket chart properly, that's why I'm showing him laminated charts instead smile We also have a 100 Montessori board with very small tiles that I am keeping for later to use with more advanced concepts ( ). I think the "problem" with Montessori philosophy is that intellectual abilities and fine motor skills often go together. But I don't think I can wait till my toddler is able to manipulate those tiny tiles to teach him how to count to 100, skip count, etc. We love Montessori though and I recently bought a large math/ sensorial kit. I am just mixing it with other approaches to fit my son's learning pace.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 08:25:21 PM by A_BC » Logged

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« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2012, 11:53:13 PM »

You know I have often thought that about Montossori too. I look at their hundreds chart with the little tiles and think there is no way my children will put that together more than once each. Those tiny tiles just make it all too much like hard work. Bigger (1 inch or more)  tiles would be so much more likely to be used. less fiddly and difficult. I know they want fine motor skills improved but I can't see why it needs to be in everything. Sometimes they offer a large size for something, but usually I go looking for an Asian produced knockoff that is bigger. It seems the Asian parents demand the extra size and reusable quality. Plus it isn't as taboo to teach concepts early there so often we can get products suitable for a younger age. They are never quite as beautiful and natural as montossori though.
I will use your hundreds charts just as they are. My kids are old enough to get used to it quickly. We need to do more skip counting these will help. Thanks  smile


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« Reply #39 on: June 17, 2012, 04:36:12 AM »

So, Friday nights in our house are 'Friday Family Nights.' we make popcorn and play games. The last few weeks it has been endless games of Go Fish I have previously posted, this game is deceptively easy with multitudinous ways to incorporate math ideas such as pairs, beginning multiplication, and so many other concepts!
For example: Alex now believes that it is part of the game to organize the cards in her hand from smallest to largest values...we make pairs, and at the end SHE is the one responsible for counting each players pairs, then comparing them to announce who has the most (I.e., which is the biggest number..also have her decide 2nd and 3rd place, further practice and ordinal numbers to boot!)
Now, as she loves to tally, she is responsible for tallying and counting up total! Shocking for $3.00 worth of cards!

So today, two new games arrived. Chutes and Ladders, which has SO many adding and counting opportunities I can't wait to play more!
And a lesser-known game called Sum Swamp! We LOVE it! Again, deceptively simple. We actually use the RS Abacus alongside the game, but you must roll the dice with a plus/minus die to progress!
 Couldn't wait to share after more than three hours on Friday, and further time on Saturday! Hope you enjoy as much as we have...


Alex\'s YouTube Channel: BabyBibliophile
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« Reply #40 on: June 17, 2012, 04:50:40 AM »

Oh Keri! You always know how to amaze me! This thread looks now like a math journal for a good number of "Brillmoms". I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your stories and sharing mine (although not that phenomenal).

Keep going gals!


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« Reply #41 on: June 17, 2012, 05:04:25 AM »

Thanks Manda! It's too late for the charts   big grin  I added 3 others for counting by 3's, 3's & 6's and 3's & 9's. I think it makes much more sense now. I also edited some of the colors and made a 100 chart with RS AL abacus colors though they don't recommend counting  LOL  It's just because I am using a whole approach (left brain/ right brain) so counting and subitizing are equally important to me.


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« Reply #42 on: June 17, 2012, 05:26:54 AM »

Here is another math file. Instead of using wooden numerals with dots like some of you did, I simply printed a similar version on index cards and laminated them. I am using red dots to somehow connect with Doman (maybe  huh ) and placed the dots like Dr. Jones did for his matrix as I am planning to get his kit in a couple weeks.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 08:02:43 AM by A_BC » Logged

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« Reply #43 on: June 17, 2012, 07:49:49 AM »

Oh ABC, you must be reading my mind! karma to you for saving me hours of work smile
Dont suppose you have a good outline map of the world?  LOL I feel geograhpy may take over soon! you files are keeping the math going smile Jaykob dazzled the principal in his school interview by counting well past 20...until he was asked to stop smile So skip counting is an obvious next. I wanted the numbers with dots but have decided I have spent enough for now. (well this month anyway LOL) I know rightstart doesnt encourage counting but my son needs to be able to demonstrate counting on to pass prep. He can of course, but practice is good smile


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« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2012, 08:16:36 AM »

Now YOU are reading my mind! I've been thinking about printing the Montessori map series. There are downoadable ones with high quality from Montessori Print Shop. They cost around  $22 (  but you can download them seperately for less (well, sorry, this is a math thread but... wub ) I am still looking for free ones and will keep you posted isA.

Congrats for your son! Good job early learning!

« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 08:25:26 AM by A_BC » Logged

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