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Author Topic: What are you doing with your 2 year olds for math?  (Read 70469 times)
Posts: 1772
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« Reply #75 on: July 20, 2012, 06:49:03 AM »

Jaykob can write now but he can do triple the number of problems before he has had enough if we do it verbally. So we do a few written and a few verbal until he is over it. When he was prewriting I sued to write the number in pencil and have him trace it in coloured textas. He had to tell me what to write of course. His penmanship got better really quickly doing this and now he writes them himself. I think using a combination of as many methods as you can would be best. To keep in interesting and still easy enough not to be frustrating. Any math program can be adjusted if the kid is only expected to give a verbal answer....


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« Reply #76 on: July 21, 2012, 05:37:55 AM »

Regarding Singapore maths- we actually have both sets, the EarlyBird A and B, the Essentials, and the accompanying activity books.  Here is the thing. There is not a tremendous difference in the type of materials and difficulty level. But I found quite a big difference in presentation styles! If I had an older Preschooler, definitely essentials.  But we started these when Alex could barely hold a pencil properly, and found that the EarlyBird is very nearly perfect for toddlers and preschoolers not proficient in writing or cutting. They have beautifully colored pictures, and the illustrations themselves are very toddler friendly, like barn scenes.
We found it very simple to adapt to an extremely young child.  Many of the activities we just talked about and she would point to things.  I also like that many things just involved circling, drawing a connecting line, or 'x-ing' out.  I took all of the pages out and put them in a binder with plastic protectors as she really liked going through some things again and again like a book.
For me, one of the best parts about the Singapore EB program are the optional set of accompanying readers.  These are a set of classic story readers (like Goldilocks, Hickory, Dickory Dock, etc.) that have been supplemented with additional math concepts...for example, in 'Goldilocks' they stress the size differences like large, medium, small, have added clocks to the wall to teach time and sequencing, patterns throughout (Papa Bear has squares on everything, Mama Bear has Rectangles, Baby Bear has hexagons)...every time I read these we discovered a new little detail. There is actually a chart to show which of the story books are used with each lesson, but Alex actually enjoyed doing all of the concepts as we read the books...they could be used with Essentials as well:

We have really found that almost all of the math programs we play with/do can be adapted for the very young toddlers with a bit of creativity!  Alex will use her fingers, tally sticks, an abacus, number stamps, etc. To show answers versus writing them, following RS methods.  I also made her a set of math manipulatives ala Jones Geniuses...I took a set of Melissa and Doug wooden/magnetic numbers, then added the correct number of dots to each, according to Dr. Jones' dot system. (I did this by using a black sharpie to color self-adhesive labels, then a hole punch to make perfect circles to adhere to the numbers).  The set also comes with the four major operation signs and an equal sign, so these live in the kitchen to 'play math' when I am in there.  We also use them on a cookie sheet for equation work, place value, greater than/less than, etc...

Oh! In the very early days we used a rollout vinyl number line to practice 'hopping' counting forwards, backwards, skip counting, addition, subtraction, etc...we still break it out on rainy days!

Not to mention, places like discount school supply sell LOADS of chunky teaching tools like child-appropriate measuring tapes, beakers, graduated cylinders, you name it for hands on teaching of concepts like measurement, volume, etc...

Hope this helps a bit...


Alex\'s YouTube Channel: BabyBibliophile
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« Reply #77 on: July 21, 2012, 05:52:07 AM »

I wanted to share a fantastic set of books I just found that are perfect for toddlers! If you are familiar with tha Scholastic sets by Liza Charlesworth like Punctuation Tales, Parts of Speech Tales, Grammar Tales, etc., these books are the same style!
The set, Number Tales, comes with an individual little story book for each number 0-10, 20, 30, 100, addition, subtraction, skip counting, etc.,! I wish I had these a year ago even! Still, Alex still likes them, and many of you will be thrilled to know that the last pages are sort of 'spot the sets of...for each number' .Awesome for subitization practice! For example, in the book for the number five, there are loads of items in the picture at the end that are groups of five! (but not all!)


Alex\'s YouTube Channel: BabyBibliophile
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« Reply #78 on: July 21, 2012, 03:09:14 PM »

Mandab, Korrale, and Kerileanne99,

Thank you sooooooo much for the ideas. I'm very grateful.

Posts: 654
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« Reply #79 on: July 25, 2012, 06:08:16 AM »

Tyrannosaurs Math!

Oh, wow. If you have a toddler or young child that loves dinosaurs and math like Alex, this picture book is awesome. It arrived by post yesterday and I can't even tell you how many times we have read it..
Very, very cute-a baby T-Rex pops out of his shell counting fingers and toes, so his mother names him Tyrannosaurus Math.  He soon learns to count by twos ( Ornithomimus footprints), counting by fives with small groups of Triceratops, then by tens, addition, subtraction, geometry, reasoning, beginning multiplication, etc...I think something like 15 math concepts about a happy little dinosaur and his family.

Really great, and I could see Alex getting more and more out of this book-plus it is just a fun read!


Alex\'s YouTube Channel: BabyBibliophile
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« Reply #80 on: July 27, 2012, 04:48:14 AM »

Here is a link to something like 12 free e-books for math, with lots of fun ideas for teaching math to young tots...


Alex\'s YouTube Channel: BabyBibliophile
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« Reply #81 on: August 24, 2012, 03:24:02 AM »

A little bit of an update, first!
So Alex continues to adore math...purely anecdotal, of course, but at when she first shows signs of stirring in the morning, usually around 6 a.m., I put on the music from the MiracleMath system:
She listens about 1.5 hours, still in that twilight sleep.  The very strange thing is that her first words, heard through the monitor, are always random math bits:  before she is even fully awake she will mumble equations, simple ones like 5+5 is 10.... Absolutely not 'proof' enough for a skeptic like me, especially as she often does random things like this during the day LOL Still, as she seems to like it I will continue on that old adage that 'it can't hurt!'

Math games, math games, math games are all the rage in this house! My plan had actually been to do a RS lesson every other day, with in between days devoted to reinforcement, games, other programs for math, with time for lots of play, art, music, and languages. ( all around her nap!)
Yeah, well, the best laid Plans and all that.
She has decided that she no longer needs naps at all Wink However, mommy definitely still needs the quiet time, so she is aloud to take a tray of math manipulatives, the books from Singapore EB, the Critical Thinking Co logic books, Lollipop Logic, or MathStart books (ALL HER CHOICES, not mine!) to her bed for one hour for her 'Quiet time!'
Although her manipulatives may actually be more 'manipulative' than she intends, because if something is confusing her, I will very briefly give her a reply...

So! On to the fun part!
We are to the point in TW where they are doing equations, including multiplication and division, and she is very interested in this, memorizing the parts they are doing? The logical order they are presented, with all operations together, has made me reevaluate our approach, and we have been doing much more integration of all four operations.
We bought a few more math game books, including this great one by Peggy Kaye:

It has a lot of really fun ideas: example, Alex is learning to write her numbers, and the author suggests writing them out on the sidewalk in huge chalk sizes- the have the kids 'walk' them. We did this, of course starting at proper pencil starting points and carefully walking heel-to-toe. (also good for balance!)...within two times of this Alex always knows how they should look, no reversals! Of course, she still needs writing
practice, but this 'clicked' for her.
Another idea from there is the standard grocery store visit, but much more involved! I kid you not, we took a field trip to the store!  We picked out single bits of fruit, weighed them, then added another, weigh again, etc..things of the same sizes may not weigh the same, and she got hands on comparison and could 'estimate' what she thought it would weigh after a bit.  Prices, reading the list, she was in charge, spotting items on the shelf, comparison of things sold by weight are fantastic.  Hands on feel of what a pound of butter (in US blush ) is.  A liter, a gallon, ounces, everything made it's way to a balance or in her hands...finally, after THREE hours (warning! Don't do this if you have some place to be LOL ), we come home and did yet another activity that actually seemed intuitive to me and I had never considered it: let the toddler sort the groceries to be put away by location.  Do they go in the refrigerator, the pantry, the freezer, that sort of thing.  I was fairly skeptical, but this was not as simple as it first appeared when she explained her reasoning for where she thought it should go! So then we got to discuss the properties.  Touch the package, does it feel cool, frozen, dry, etc...great fun and really informative for both of us!

But by far the best bit? The massive, tear-jerking hug I got at the end when She threw her arms around my neck and told me she LOVED being Mommy's helper and could we shop every DAY big grin

Anyway, we have also bought a bunch of new math games, as I found this fabulous site:
We have family game night here and she inevitable picks math related ones!
As I mentioned in a previous post, our absolute favorite was Sum Swamp:
The only problem was that it only practices addition/subtraction facts up to 10...we recently solved this by purchasing polyhedral dice to go up to 20! Yeah, always nice when the game can be expanded!

A new one we really enjoy is called Smath!
Although it is for all four basic operations, it is adaptable for early learning as well!


Alex\'s YouTube Channel: BabyBibliophile
Posts: 39
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« Reply #82 on: August 24, 2012, 11:59:23 AM »


The amount of math (and everything else) you do with your child is amazing and inspiring! Thanks for your many wonderful ideas!  Did buy the RightStart Math Card Games Kit (with the place value cards) according to your recommendation.  Also will buy the hundred pocket chart to teach my child skip counting (she can already do 2's, 5's and 10's, but thinking of doing the other numbers to set her up for multiplication).  And would like to get some of those games you've mentioned. 

Here are some websites you and your child might enjoy to practice basic math facts, not sure if you've seen them yet:

They were mentioned to me by parents of grade school kids, and they're free!

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