BrillKids Team is working on Little Musician! But it is still on beta testing stages.
In the meantime you can check some of the following programs, --- none are really a full rounded curriculum (Excerpt for Soft Motzart, which is a PP and Piano teaching program, but it lucks music recognition and general EK on music, and it is for a bit older kids, so you probably would want to wait on that), but each has its own pluses and can introduce your baby to music concepts, we use a few different ones, but definitely looking forward to Little Musician curriculum:
Trebellina -- -- you can even get discount for you Forum loyalty points!
Classical Baby - Music show and Art show -- they are great for music/art appreciation
Kinderbach -- -- this is the link where you can get a discount with the Forum loyalty points
For a bit older ones:
Soft Motzart
Piano with Dot
Suzie's Piano
I would recommend what we have done, which worked great for us:
Classical music appreciation -- we played variety of classical music compositions on the background when we played, etc, we had different selections for wake up, gong to sleep, play time, driving in the car
Classical music recognition -- we used for fun variety, but we also did listening to short music compositions and naming them -- name and composer, we did all kind of fun games with that
We did presentations on composers, musical instruments, styles of music, national music -- anything music related
We did flashcards with music notes and played the notes on guitar, piano, while showing flashcards
Daddy played lots of instrumental guitar to the babies, and we did rhythm games
We also collect all kind of simple percussion music instruments
Kids love that, and it is a great way to teach rhythm and let them to participate when music is played! You can start with the rattle even
We also listened to music from different countries, time period and dance to it...
Hope these ideas are a help in some ways!