Oh, yeah, definitely possible to learn!
My hubby is awesome. Really. He is a chemist, a rock climber, an artist, definitely one of those people that are seemingly awesome at everything they try
But oh, the horror, the horror!
When he started doing Soft Mozart with her it wasn't so much of a problem...he LOVES music, listens constantly, etc...
The FIRST time he did Little Musician with us my toddler actually covered her ears and told daddy in no uncertain terms that he was not allowed to sing!!! (I definitely had to agree!)
Regardless, I never realized that not everyone could listen to music and tell what notes were being played, and have perfect pitch. It just never occurred to me??
I am thrilled to tell you that even hubby has improved IMMENSELY, and my toddler (who seemed somewhere in the middle) seems to have perfect pitch!
It definitely is possible and Little Musician is an awesome and incredibly straight-forward way to start.
One hint I learnt the hard way! If someone is TRULY awful in the beginning, and you are teaching a toddler? Demonstrate on an instrument or tuning fork rather than 'singing!'