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January 10, 2009
The Suzuki approach was developed in Japan by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki in the mid 20th Century.
He believed that every child, if properly taught, was capable of a high level of musical achievement.
His philosophy was that if every child has the inborn ability to learn their native language, then they
also have the ability to learn and become proficient on a musical instrument. Begin children early and
excite their own inborn joy of music.
The musical initiation is a major challenge for educators, and even more if your intention is to
cover the learning of the basic concepts of height and duration of sound. This explains why only a much smaller percentage of students enjoy the benefits of a music education practice, systematic and progressive.
This is a method that stems from the observation the author makes the world of children, and from that
look sensible, takes the elements that capture the interest of children to reformulate the initial musical education.
From the perspective of the game and creating partnerships that demolished whole difficulty of teaching and learning of music, ensuring that all children will wake up the interest and taste for musical practice and gradual understanding of the concepts, elements and symbols of themselves their language.
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Topic: Piano Lesson: Revolutionary Learning Method for kids and adults based on color associations (Read 27453 times)