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Author Topic: Piano Wizard  (Read 140949 times)
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« Reply #120 on: November 14, 2010, 03:22:23 PM »

That's a pretty big jump.  I doubt there's any research to back that up.  I guess the following would be an example of a testemonial:

I was horribly scarred by using a product that took musical notation, rotated it 90 degrees to correspond with the piano keyboard and used multiple colors that corresponded with the keys. 

Luckily I switched to one that did the exact same thing but only used green and brown, and it worked like a charm!

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« Reply #121 on: November 14, 2010, 04:01:53 PM »

I will honestly never give you a dime.

If I would suspect my ideas causing ANY damage to your child, I won't take a penny


\"Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find there way to the inmost should and take strongest hold upon it, bringing with them and imparting grade if one is rightly trained. Plato
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« Reply #122 on: November 14, 2010, 04:51:50 PM »

Wow you just do not get it do you? One of the best businessperson I ever met who made millions of dollars selling the best built houses in Winnipeg never put down his competitor. (As much as you don't believe you have competition the fact is you do) The best way to present your product is to compliment the competitor and then say perhaps I can show you my product and if your product is THAT much better let your potential clients figure it out for themselves. No one likes being told anything. They want to make a decision for themselves. 
Business is everything when it comes to education. As a parent I select products that are created by wholesome, respectful and professional companies. If the ridiculous comparison to the periodic table is being used I will say this. If Hitler had the magic program to teach my son math, music, science, reading, and promise his success in life I would not purchase it based in principal. Now I'm not comparing you to Hitler so please don't take it that way, but what I'm saying is when I find out that a company or person is so one sided and they believe they have the only answer and refuse to act in a professional matter in any aspect of there marketing, I cannot support that because I'm setting an example for my child.
Now it seems that trying to make you see that you are committing marketing and PR suicide on this board is pointless. So I will step back and bite my tongue, but do know word of mouth can build a company and it can also take it down. 
Best wishes to you HH. 


Mother to two boys June 2005 and May 2012.
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« Reply #123 on: November 14, 2010, 05:04:54 PM »

I am in the process of purchasing the Piano Wizard for a small private school.     I agree with waterdreamer....

   Let me start off by saying that anytime something NEW and not seen before can be a challenge in it self.  People do NOT like different or change,  they like the NORM...   

 Look at how many people put down parents who are teaching their children to read, math, encyclopedic knowledge and such.   I am sure MANY of you here have dealt with the NEGATIVE remarks at one time or another...

I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on music lessons over the past 13 years and you know what there are those who spend 500.00 on a video game such as ps3 So purchasing Piano Wizard is not a WASTE in my opinion.... 

Does the piano wizard work ??   I do not have the answer as I have yet to use it...   However I know many parents who use this website and the methods here WORK...   Does it work for everyone ( i do not know)   but I know it worked for us smile

I am going to  follow through and get this for our school even with all the NEGATIVE comments coming out of it on this site.    Worse thing that can happen is that the children play an educational game...  NOT so bad is it smile

Susan Khan

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« Reply #124 on: November 14, 2010, 05:48:35 PM »

Wow you just do not get it do you? One of the best businessperson I ever met who made millions of dollars selling the best built houses in Winnipeg never put down his competitor. (As much as you don't believe you have competition the fact is you do) The best way to present your product is to compliment the competitor and then say perhaps I can show you my product and if your product is THAT much better let your potential clients figure it out for themselves. No one likes being told anything. They want to make a decision for themselves. 
Business is everything when it comes to education. As a parent I select products that are created by wholesome, respectful and professional companies. If the ridiculous comparison to the periodic table is being used I will say this. If Hitler had the magic program to teach my son math, music, science, reading, and promise his success in life I would not purchase it based in principal. Now I'm not comparing you to Hitler so please don't take it that way, but what I'm saying is when I find out that a company or person is so one sided and they believe they have the only answer and refuse to act in a professional matter in any aspect of there marketing, I cannot support that because I'm setting an example for my child.
Now it seems that trying to make you see that you are committing marketing and PR suicide on this board is pointless. So I will step back and bite my tongue, but do know word of mouth can build a company and it can also take it down. 
Best wishes to you HH. 

Of cause!
Otherwise Jesus Christ won't b crucified!
He just didn’t know, how to present his ideas. How sad ...


\"Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find there way to the inmost should and take strongest hold upon it, bringing with them and imparting grade if one is rightly trained. Plato
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« Reply #125 on: November 14, 2010, 05:52:47 PM »

I am in the process of purchasing the Piano Wizard for a small private school.     I agree with waterdreamer....

   Let me start off by saying that anytime something NEW and not seen before can be a challenge in it self.  People do NOT like different or change,  they like the NORM...   

 Look at how many people put down parents who are teaching their children to read, math, encyclopedic knowledge and such.   I am sure MANY of you here have dealt with the NEGATIVE remarks at one time or another...

I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on music lessons over the past 13 years and you know what there are those who spend 500.00 on a video game such as ps3 So purchasing Piano Wizard is not a WASTE in my opinion.... 

Does the piano wizard work ??   I do not have the answer as I have yet to use it...   However I know many parents who use this website and the methods here WORK...   Does it work for everyone ( i do not know)   but I know it worked for us smile

I am going to  follow through and get this for our school even with all the NEGATIVE comments coming out of it on this site.    Worse thing that can happen is that the children play an educational game...  NOT so bad is it smile

Susan Khan

Dear Susan,
you may check if anything work by going on you tube and search for PW. If you'll find MANY students performing and reading music with it (no commercial footage!), it works.
All the rest is a bustle


\"Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find there way to the inmost should and take strongest hold upon it, bringing with them and imparting grade if one is rightly trained. Plato
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« Reply #126 on: November 14, 2010, 06:06:54 PM »

Jesus Christ??? You think your like Jesus Christ? Wow! There is no comment that can be made to that. I feel sorry for you...


Mother to two boys June 2005 and May 2012.
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« Reply #127 on: November 14, 2010, 06:15:59 PM »

HH,  I am not quite sure what you mean by YOU Tube ??? 

 I would NOT  base my decision of purchasing Piano Wizard from you tube??? 

 I actually based my decision on how I think or KNOW my OWN children learn smile

The children at our school will not be forced to USE the program but it will be offered to them .....

By the way we choose products carefully and open minded...

One of the reasons why our MATH works and we place in the top 1% in the WORLD..  Not bad for a small school of a little over 100 and in the United states ...  We do NOT always choose products and curriculum that is considered the NORM or that has RAVE reviews...  But somehow the children LEARN..

We use many methods on this board and combined the BEST of the BEST in my opinion. 

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« Reply #128 on: November 14, 2010, 07:01:10 PM »

I couldn't see an exact date that the package deal ended, was curious when the offer was up. Also, we have a Korg with a MIDI connection, would that work with the software, since it's 88 keys?




Sorry for the delay in responding, we are very busy for Christmas and I missed this. First, we are going to try and extend this offer through Christmas, depending on keyboard availability. Second, yes, it will work with your Korg. I have an 88 key Yamaha downstairs I use with mine, the game will work with keyboards from 1 to 7 octaves, and you can set the visual keyboards or actual keyboards to any of those sizes. For example, the smaller the keyboard the larger the game objects (less keys, more space per key), so you might actually only set the actual keyboard to 4 octaves if that is covering the range of the song or track you are trying to play (easily visible from the Tracks menu, which shows an 88 key range, and how the 4 octave or whatever size you selected overlaps with the range). You can then adjust the active keyboard range up or down depending if you are playing bass, melody or other parts. Hard to explain but easy to see in the demos. Short answer is YES, your Korg will work.



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« Reply #129 on: November 14, 2010, 07:23:40 PM »

Thank you Chris for you advice. I have written Mary the email and I will wait for her aswer.

I have one more question. Would keybord casio ca110 (older one from the time of studies :-)) work with your PW?

Thank you for your advice.


Sorry for the delay, NO, your Casio CA-110 will NOT work, it is NOT MIDI compatible. (I had to look for the manual online to be sure). It is one of the few Casios that is not MIDI compatible, if you look for another Casio that is, it will have the words MIDI somewhere on the keyboard, it is an important feature that has a cost associated, so they will surely mention it, and you can look on the back to see if it has MIDI outlets as well.

This keyboard also required batteries or an AC adapter, which M-Audio midi controllers do not, they are USB powered. Also, sometimes these keyboards have tons of sounds and rhythms on board, and they can be a distraction or disruption to gameplay if the kids try to invoke them during the game. That being said, they can and will work if MIDI compatible.



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« Reply #130 on: November 14, 2010, 07:34:08 PM »

Jesus Christ??? You think your like Jesus Christ? Wow! There is no comment that can be made to that. I feel sorry for you...

you said...

the Grand Staff was invented exactly 1,000 years ago by Gvido from Arezzo

I just happened to modify it and to make it interactive

I am Hellene Hiner



\"Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find there way to the inmost should and take strongest hold upon it, bringing with them and imparting grade if one is rightly trained. Plato
Posts: 209
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« Reply #131 on: November 14, 2010, 07:35:39 PM »

HH,  I am not quite sure what you mean by YOU Tube ??? 

 I would NOT  base my decision of purchasing Piano Wizard from you tube??? 

 I actually based my decision on how I think or KNOW my OWN children learn smile

The children at our school will not be forced to USE the program but it will be offered to them .....

By the way we choose products carefully and open minded...

One of the reasons why our MATH works and we place in the top 1% in the WORLD..  Not bad for a small school of a little over 100 and in the United states ...  We do NOT always choose products and curriculum that is considered the NORM or that has RAVE reviews...  But somehow the children LEARN..

We use many methods on this board and combined the BEST of the BEST in my opinion. 

but in there other people's results. It could help you to make a smart desision


\"Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find there way to the inmost should and take strongest hold upon it, bringing with them and imparting grade if one is rightly trained. Plato
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« Reply #132 on: November 14, 2010, 08:02:32 PM »

Jesus Christ??? You think your like Jesus Christ? Wow! There is no comment that can be made to that. I feel sorry for you...

you said...

the Grand Staff was invented exactly 1,000 years ago by Gvido from Arezzo

I just happened to modify it and to make it interactive

I am Hellene Hiner


That is an non sequitur argument

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« Reply #133 on: November 14, 2010, 08:03:43 PM »

Jesus Christ??? You think your like Jesus Christ? Wow! There is no comment that can be made to that. I feel sorry for you...

you said...

the Grand Staff was invented exactly 1,000 years ago by Gvido from Arezzo

I just happened to modify it and to make it interactive

I am Hellene Hiner

REREAD the board. You are miss quoting. I DID NOT SAY THAT. And I don't like the fact you are try to put words in MY mouth.
This has gone to far.
Google your name?? Why do you have to be so full of yourself and rude to everyone on this board that has a different option then you? People on here are just trying to help you, I don't think you realize how bad you are coming off. I strongly suggest you hired a marketing team to do your PR because every message you leave, the worst the taste your leaving in everyones mouth. There are several blogging mommies on this board, when it comes down to it and we use one software over another, people are going to ask us WHY we made our decision to use product a or product b, do you want them to be referring them to this thread? Do you think this is good for your business?
In the end the customer is ALWAYS right

« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 08:06:13 PM by waterdreamer » Logged

Mother to two boys June 2005 and May 2012.
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« Reply #134 on: November 14, 2010, 08:08:38 PM »

I did what you suggested and I found this <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

My response,   touching, amazing, and very inspired smile    You see sometimes just by seeing someone play Mozart does not sell for me however seeing the REAL life results is more valuable.   

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