I came across this today, it's an official Shichida video to teach English. I wasn't sure, but at the end the credits state that it was indeed supervised by Makoto Shichida. Clearly, if you are reading this forum most likely speak english already...or you are like me and rely on Google Chrome to autotranslate foreign websites. BUT, I share it so that you can get an idea of what their materials are like and get a feel for it (and potentially seek other materials that are similarly styled in other languages.) If nothing else it was interesting to watch a bit of it!
http://www.56.com/u64/v_NjAwODc1MDk.htmlAnd here's a peek into the introduction of a Shichida Class....Welcome song and date/weather from the best I can tell.
http://v. youku.com/v_show/id_XNTMzMzA3MTcy.html (it won't let me link directly, so copy and paste and then delete the spaces near the beginning of the link before youku)
http://v. youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA4MTExMTgw.html A tour of a shichida facility kids area starts at about 1:30, I just had to laugh as she patted the padded walls. Don't we all need 'em? haha
I am fascinated by this because it's such a mystery to me. It's all so hush hush secretive, that any glimpse into the world of Shichida is a rare treat!