My sister told me about the tooth paste a while ago, but I can't use anything to clean my walls, I would have to paint the wall. even just a gentle scrub from a soft bristle toothbrush would scratch the white paint away and leave a black mark instead, so, I hope that if my dd shows interest in the walls, I can find the wall sheet thing. I wish my Australian house had wings and could fly long distance! French houses are a bit of a nightmare >
Waterdreamer, thats great! I had my daughter in daycare and when I saw that they weren't doing any activities with the children at all besides from letting them play with their toys and play equipment, "unsupervised", I had to take her out and doing it all myself now, we're having a lot more fun together. After this experience, I wish I could run my own childrens activity centre. I think this daycare had that attitude because they are underpaid and understaffed and that is such a poor and unprofessional attitude to have.